ECPS Course List

Courses are listed with a projected schedule (PS) that includes the term and session. For example, Winter Term 1 (W1), Winter Term 2 (W2), Summer Term 1 (S1), and Summer Term 2 (S2A and S2B). This projected schedule may change; for planning purposes, please refer to the Student Service Centre for the final schedule and ECPS courses (CNPS and EPSE) that are currently offered.

Find other Special Topics & Research Methods courses

Development of basic interviewing skills for counselling and guidance. [3-3]

This basic counselling interviewing skills course is designed to train students in basic help-intended communication skills in order to increase their competence in empathic listening and responding for facilitating client self-awareness and self-exploration.  This course is not intended to be a general basic interviewing course, for example, job interviewing, survey questioning, information gathering, persuasive or directive communication skills.

This course will introduce students to some communication theories and common practices in the counselling profession. Egan’s (2001) three-stage integrative model of interpersonal helping will be used as the foundation for our discussion, however we will frequently move beyond this text.  Social and cultural issues will also be discussed to increase student sensitivity to contextual factors that impact the counselling process. Additionally, common counselling issues—including confidentiality, power differentials, counsellor bias, dual relationships and counsellor self-development —will be discussed.

View the most recent CNPS 362 course outline for more information.

CNPS 362 Questions?

Contact CNPS 362 Coordinator – Dr. Dan Cox (

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 362 | Basic Interviewing Skills

Critical survey of career counselling theory and practice.

Career counselling is a collaborative process that helps clients to clarify, specify, implement, and adjust to work-related decisions with the aim of assisting individuals in locating a career that is meaningful, productive, and fulfilling.  This course will critically survey career development theories, issues, and practices that have specific applications to career counselling.  This course will review:  (a) established and emergent theories of career development across the life span; (b) issues and techniques of particular relevance to career assessment and career counselling in schools, communities, and business practices; (c) career counselling with special populations; and (d) developmental issues, transition points and counselling strategies associated with the theories and career counselling.  In order to facilitate practical understanding and integrate theory and practice, this course emphasizes experiential exercises in addition to class discussions and readings.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 363 | Career Counselling

Examination of current theories and practices in family education and consultation. [3-0]

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 364 | Family Education and Consultation

An overview of selected theories of counselling.

The purpose of this course is to provide foundational knowledge of counselling theories and practices by surveying the major theoretical models of counselling.

Major psychotherapy approaches will be reviewed while focusing on major concepts and underlying philosophical assumptions about the nature of personality, health v. pathology, therapeutic processes, interventions, and outcomes. Through lectures, readings, class activities, discussion, and films, you will learn about the fundamental components of the major theories, examine differences and similarities among the various approaches, and consider ethical issues and current challenges facing these theories.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 365 | Introduction to Theories of Counselling

This course is designed to assist the teacher in understanding and using guidance techniques for day-to-day use in the classroom. The emphasis will be on techniques for working with people towards better self-understanding and better perspectives of alternatives.

Credits: 6

Course Link:CNPS 426 | The Role of the Teacher in Guidance

The work of the beginning counsellor and guidance worker in assisting students with educational, vocational, and personal planning and decision-making.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 427 | Guidance: Planning and Decision-making

Personal and social adjustment issues for professional counsellors; basic skills necessary for effective group counselling.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 433 | The Personal and Social Development of the Adult

Theory and practice of school counselling K-12.

The main goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory and practice of school counselling for grades K-12.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 504 | School Counselling

Studies are made of recent research bearing on educational practice. Prerequisite: Appropriate senior undergraduate introductory or methods course.

Course Link:CNPS 508 | Review of Research in Educational Methods

Note: CNPS 508-93A is for VRHC students only

Vocational rehabilitation recognizes the personal, social and economic benefits of employment and this course will focus on the case management for successful integration of people with disabilities into a diverse labour market. This integration is systematically achieved through advocacy, communication, education, identification, coordination and utilization of appropriate services in a timely and cost-effective manner.

The purpose of this course is to integrate the theoretical constructs and research evidence into clinical situations and to develop competencies for management/coordination of the continuum of vocational rehabilitation counselling services, including job development, placement strategies and interventions. Topics include career development, caseload management, service coordination, developing and sustaining alliances, occupational information and resources, community development, supply (employee-centred) and demand (employer-centred) roles of job development/placement activities. Your learning will be facilitated through your demonstration of practical tactics and participation in field-based learning activities to prepare for the demands of clinical practices.

Prerequisites: None



Course Link:CNPS 508-93A (VRHC)| Case Management and Job Development Counselling

Theory, research, and practice of counselling adolescents.

This graduate course is designed to provide students with a theoretical and conceptual framework for counselling adolescents. Students will be introduced to a variety of counselling approaches for clinical practice with this population. The course also addresses some of the significant adolescent mental health issues that counsellors may encounter with clients and helps students identify counselling interventions accordingly.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 514 | Counselling Adolescents

Major issues and problems of adult development. Selection of appropriate counselling interventions for use in education and other counselling settings.

Counsellors working with adults must be prepared to address a broad range of inter-related presenting issues and developmental concerns common for clients throughout adult life.

The purpose of this course is to familiarize Counselling Psychology students with significant issues confronting adult help-seeking populations in order to:

      1. accurately assess client challenges,
      2. implement effective counselling interventions, and
      3. make appropriate referrals when necessary.
Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 524 | Counselling Adults

Note: CNPS 532A is for VRHC students only

The use of standardized measures of mental ability, achievement, aptitude, interest and personality.

This course provides an introduction to psychological assessment in counselling, with CNPS 532A emphasizing the measurement of psychological constructs. Three areas will be emphasized:

      1. theory and principles (e.g., reliability, validity),
      2. applications and issues (e.g., history and context, fairness in testing), and
      3. practical elements (e.g., selection of measures, making use of measurement information).


Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 532A (VRHC)| Psychological Assessment in Counselling

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to properly select, administer, score, and interpret standardized psychological, educational and vocational tests and other assessment instruments, which are relevant and appropriate in the Master’s level professional counselling context.  The use and interpretation of instruments designed to measure achievement, personality, stress, coping skills, health status, relationships and interests will be discussed.

The content of this course emphasizes the use of tests within a counselling perspective, i.e., as a tool for exploring client development and adjustment concerns, and as an aid in client decision making.  Attention will be paid to psychometric characteristics of tests, as well as issues of reliability, validity and fairness.  In addition, guidelines for the ethical use of tests will be covered.


Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 532B | Psychological Assessment in Counselling

Theory, research, and practice in the area of gender and sex role issues related to counselling.

This is a graduate seminar that considers a range of theory and issues in relation to gender. Discussion topics will include: masculinity, femininity, communication, romantic relationships, mental health, sexual orientation and LGBTQ issues, violence, trauma, and social marginalization. The seminar emphasizes the relevance of gender, as both a social and psychological category, to counselling practice.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 534 | Gender and Sex Role Issues in Counselling

The purpose of this course is to undertake an in depth analysis of current theories and research designed to understand abnormal behaviour.

To facilitate learning, students will have the opportunity to apply new concepts through case presentations.  A focus will be to consider these topics from both historical and global perspectives.  Thus, in addition to biological and psychological aspects of disorders, sociocultural factors will also be explored.  This means that diversity will be discussed in every class and in the students’ case presentations. In addition, case examples of how different cultural groups manifest symptoms are discussed and are the focus of the readings, especially for the depression disorder module.

Instructional approach will include lecture, group facilitation by instructor, peer feedback and discussion, exercises, and case presentations. Related articles may also be assigned.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 535 | Perspectives on Adult Psychopathology in Counselling

Main theoretical and therapeutic approaches of contemporary family counselling with emphasis on intervention and critical research issues in educational and other counselling settings.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 545 | Family Counselling – Interventions and Research

Groups are an excellent counselling option. Since many problems are experienced as interpersonal in nature, group work creates a prime opportunity for individuals to explore their difficulties and personal concerns and develop insights in a context that more closely represents the social context in which we all live. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the basic theory, knowledge, and foundational skills necessary for conducting a variety of groups appropriate to their work setting.

Course components include:
  1. an overview of group dynamics,
  2. an examination of theory and interventions related to group counselling,
  3. acquisition of basic group counselling skills,
  4. self-awareness focusing on one’s own strengths and challenges as group leader,
  5. survey of relevant research, and
  6. an opportunity to have both member and leader group experiences. Group theory and practice are considered in the context of the sociocultural setting and cultural identities of the participants.

There are no prerequisites for this course other than enrollment in a master’s program in counselling psychology at UBC.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 564 | Group Counselling

Courses in various subject matter fields designed to bring counsellors up to date in recent findings in the field.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 565 | Special Course in Subject Matter Field

This advanced 3 credit course in group theories of counseling and psychotherapy will provide the students with in depth knowledge of several integrated theories used in group counselling and psychotherapy, related research, and development of advanced group leader competencies for practice.  This course examines more complex group models for client change – building on the foundational knowledge provided in CNPS 564 which is a survey of group models and approaches to counselling.  Supervised practice and video analysis with instructor supervision will assist the student to acquire mastery of several competencies for leading groups. Criteria for selecting models based on particular client groups and outcome focus will be presented.

This course is recommended for doctoral students and advanced masters level students seeking advanced knowledge and understanding of group counseling and psychotherapy theory and practice.  Finally, participants will examine to increase awareness of their own orientation to both participating in and leading groups in order to identify personal strengths and challenges encountered in group work and which will inform them of how these interact with their own group leading.

Each class has a theory focus component followed by an applied practice session.  The course will be taught using a different number of learning modalities.  Emphasis will be on conceptual understanding of key processes and skills, demonstration and modeling of the same and practice with feedback and increased development of personal awareness.  The applied component of the course will be utilization of a micro skills counseling and supervision approach by the instructor to enhance learner competence.

Prerequisites: CNPS 564 or equivalent

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 566 | Advanced Study in Group Counselling

Theory, research, and practice of career planning and decision counselling. Prerequisite: CNPS 363.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 574 | Career Planning and Decision-Making Counselling

Note: CNPS 578A is for VRHC students only

The general aim of the course is to introduce you to ways of thinking about the efficacy of counselling interventions, modes of delivering counselling interventions (i.e., individual, group, and family/ systemic), and approaches to the treatment of mental illness.

Prerequisites: CNPS 365

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 578A (VRHC)| Counselling Theories and Interventions

Note: CNPS 578B is for VRHC students only

The purpose of this course is to enhance student’s clinical competence and prepare them for clinical work in our program. In this course, students receive supervised clinical training, as they learn and practice various techniques and interventions inside and outside the classroom.

To develop student’s clinical competence theories and models are briefly reviewed in three major areas:

a) client-centered;

b) cognitive/behavioral; and

c) couples and systems based approaches.

This is a laboratory course and will involve learning about and practicing a variety of counselling skills and interventions.

Prerequisites: CNPS 362 and CNPS 365

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 578B (VRHC)| Individual and Family Counselling Theories and Interventions

The purpose of this course is to enhance students’ clinical competence and prepare them for clinical work in our program. In this course, students receive supervised clinical training, as they learn and practice various techniques and interventions in simulated counselling sessions, inside and outside the classroom.

To develop students’ clinical competence, various counselling and psychotherapy theories and models are reviewed in four major areas:

a) client-centered and relationally focused approaches;

b) cognitively and behaviorally based approaches;

c) emotionally and dynamically focused approaches; and

d) couples, families, and systems based approaches.

Within each major area, instruction and learning focuses on the following components:

a) underlying  philosophical assumptions;

b) major concepts;

c) views on personality, human nature, and development;

d) case conceptualization;

e) therapeutic and change processes;

f) specific techniques, interventions, and expected outcomes;

g) social, cultural, and other diversity factors (such as, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, SES, class, religion, spirituality, disability, etc…); and

h) relevant clinical research. Through simulated counselling sessions, students learn to identify “critical moments” and make appropriate and professionally responsible responses.

In exploring the links between theory and practice, students examine the similarities and differences among the different approaches as well as the common factors across counselling and psychotherapy theories and models, and employ them in case conceptualization assignments.

Prerequisites: CNPS 362 and CNPS 365

Credits: 6

Course Link:CNPS 578C | Individual and Family Counselling Theories and Interventions

This graduate course is designed for M.A. students in Counselling Psychology who have completed at least some of their course work and are ready to begin their Master’s research project (thesis).  The purpose of the course is to assist students in the development of a thesis proposal and launch the steps in undertaking the thesis itself. In addition to assist in developing the research proposal, the course assists in understanding the research process as a Master’s student, and addressing ethical issues. During the course, students examine the assumptions and methods of different research approaches and apply these issues and methods to their own research topic.


To be eligible to enroll in this course a student must have successfully completed EDUC 500 or EPSE 481 and EPSE 482 or EPSE 483, or their equivalents. Students are expected to have completed courses related to the substantive area that they want to research.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 579 | Research in Counselling Psychology

Investigation and report of a problem.

Credits: 3 – 12

Course Link:CNPS 580 | Problems in Education

In this course, we will be learning about program development and evaluation.  Throughout the course, we will use trauma theory, specifically emotional processing theory of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as an example.

The course is divided into three general sections:

  1. Learn theory and how to conceptualize theory using path modelling;
  2. Learn how to develop programs, particularly attending to the role of theory and program goals;
  3. Conceptualize program evaluation based on the theory and goals used to develop the program as well as considering contemporary best-practices of program evaluation.

Stakeholder consultation will be integrated throughout the program development and evaluation process.


To be eligible to enroll in this course a student must have completed at least one graduate-level research methods course (e.g., EDUC 500, EPSE 481, EPSE 595).

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 584 | Program Development and Professional Practice in Counselling

In this course students will exam the ethical, legal, and professional issues involved in the field of counselling psychology with a focus on the ethical issues that arise in the professional settings where graduates of counselling psychology are employed with a focus on vocational rehabilitation counselling.

Students will become familiar with ethical decision making and core ethical issues including confidentiality, professional competence, informed consent, multiple relationships, evaluation/assessment and ethical culture. Application of professional code of ethics to specific areas of practice (e.g., evaluation, assessment) and specific populations (e.g., disabled, ethnic) will be reviewed. Students will integrate knowledge from readings, collaborative on-line class discussion, analysis of case scenarios and guided independent research.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 586 (VRHC) | Ethics in Counselling Psychology

Learn about the ethical issues that arise in the professional settings where counselling psychology graduates seek employment, ranging from practice in schools, higher education and community settings, to research and teaching.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 586 | Ethics in Counselling Psychology

This is a required course for all Master’s students. It is designed as an advanced clinical course for students who wish to further develop their counselling and consulting skills, practicing appropriately selected interventions, and increasing their conceptual understanding. Students will be given the opportunity to work with client cases with a wide range of personal, cultural, socioeconomic backgrounds, and problem types with varying degrees of severity. Their clinical practice is closely monitored and directly supervised by a qualified instructor and, if applicable, by a doctoral student supervisor throughout the September-April period for 26 weeks. Group supervision and case conferences are integral parts of this course.

Successful completion of this course is a perquisite for enrolling in CNPS 598: Field Experiences (Counselling Practicum).


To enroll in CNPS 588, also known as “clinic,” students must have successfully completed CNPS 578C or CNPS 578B Lab. Students can only take CNPS 588 in the second year of their program. All students must clear a criminal record check (CRC) before they will be allowed to enroll in this course and work with clients.

It is students’ responsibility to arrange a leave of absence one day per week from their workplace in order to attend their assigned clinic fully over the two consecutive terms, typically from the first week of September to the first week of April of each year.

Credits: 6

Course Link:CNPS 588 | Supervised Clinical Experience in Counselling

The purpose of this course is to review contemporary theories, practices, and research in the areas of cross-cultural/multicultural counselling and culturally unique helping and healing practices and conceptual paradigms.

The course is designed:

(a) to broaden students’ awareness and knowledge of cultural diversity and intercultural factors in helping paradigms, approaches, and processes,

(b) to recognize and address professional, sociopolitical, and ethical issues in counselling training, practice, and research, and

(c) to develop their competencies in working effectively and sensitively with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Clinical, theoretical, and research approaches will be explored critically from multicultural and minority perspectives. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to engage in self-reflection and in the process of formulating their own model of culturally sensitive helping approach that is personally meaningful and sensitive to the needs of their current or future professional activities.

Prerequisites: None

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 594 | Cross-Cultural Counselling

Theories, research, and applications of psychosocial stress and coping processes, with a particular focus on counselling issues and contexts.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 595B/A | Stress, Coping and Adaptations Related to Trauma and Addictions

This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to work with clients from diverse personal, social, and cultural backgrounds, in schools, higher education settings, and community agencies. As part of their learning goals, students are expected to receive guidance and supervision in clinical competency areas such as: case conceptualization, intervention skills and strategies, professionalism, ethical conduct, and sensitivity to diversity.

The counselling practicum provides students with a wide range of opportunities to acquire clinical competency and experience through direct service and also to become familiar with a variety of professional activities (e.g., record keeping, clinical supervision, information and referral, team work, in-service and staff meetings) and ethical, legal, and professional issues in clinical practice.

Students learning will be facilitated by direct clinical experience and supervision in the field and also through a variety of learning experiences, guidance, support and supervision facilitated by the instructor and through peer interaction and feedback in the practicum class on campus.

For those in Master’s program: CNPS 598 Practicum Placement Guide | CNPS 598 Course Outline | Practicum Expectations and Understandings Form | Counselling Trainee Evaluation

Credits: 6

Course Link:CNPS 598 | Field Experiences

Counselling psychology research and practice in adult personality assessment, including ethics of testing and use with special populations. Prerequisite: PSYC 303,or EPSE 528 or CNPS 532.

Course Link:CNPS 632 | Advanced Assessment

This course examines the assumptions and methods of major research paradigms, critically assesses a selection of current research, and then uses various approaches to construct research projects.

Credits: 3 – 6

Course Link:CNPS 669 | Research Approaches to Counselling Psychology

Sociological and psychological aspects of career planning, theories of vocational development, vocational choice.

Credits: 3

Course Link:CNPS 677 | Theories of Vocational Development

Major theoretical traditions in Counselling Psychology and illustration of the links among theory, research and practices; perspectives on Counselling Psychology as a distinct field of specialization.

Course Link:CNPS 678 | Theoretical Perspectives in Counselling Psychology

Supervision requires both knowledge of supervision models and practices, and skills to implement them. This course involves a seminar and practicum to integrate the two requirements of the subject. (For those on the Doctoral program.)

Course Link:CNPS 688 | Supervision of Counselling Practice

A 1600-hour supervised internship in Counselling Psychology. Internship sites offer counselling services as detailed in the “Speciality Guidelines for the Delivery of Services by Counselling Psychologists” (APA).

Course Link:CNPS 698 | Pre-Doctoral Internship

Educational psychology integrates both psychological theories and educational practices. This introductory course will focus on understanding how people learn and grow while considering these in relation to cultural contexts and other important influences such as development, relationships, the self, and more.  As we explore the different ways that people learn we will also consider what it means to learn—both for ourselves and for others—as well as how to improve the conditions for learning in schools and other contexts.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 301 | Introduction to Educational Psychology – PS: W1

Identification and appraisal of developmental and educational needs of highly able learners.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 303 | Teaching Highly Able Learners

This course is designed to provide a broad overview of theories about how children develop, learn and grow up in a diverse society and how an understanding of development and diversity can inform educational practice.

Credits: 4

Course Link:EPSE 308 | Development, Learning and Culture in the Classroom – PS: W1

An examination of all groups of exceptional children in terms of definition, incidence, characteristics, diagnosis and treatment. Prerequisite to most other courses in Special Education. Can be taken concurrently with several other introductory courses in Special Education.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 312 | Introduction to the Study of Exceptional Children

Identification, assessment, and needs of children with learning disabiliites.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 316 | Learning Disabilities

The teacher’s role in dealing with major developmental and special educational issues and problems within the regular classroom program, including working with supportive services, parents, and communities. Designated sections will focus on early childhood, middle childhood or adolescence. Pre-reqs: One of EPSE 306, EPSE 313. Co-reqs: One of EPSE 306, EPSE 313.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 317 | Development and Exceptionality in the Regular Classroom

An examination of the range of educational methodologies and teaching procedures and a discussion of their implications for the establishment of programs useful in working with exceptional children. The course comprises a practical examination and a detailed comparison of the major special educational methodologies.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 344 | Programming in Special Education: Developing Perspective

A study of innovative practices, ideas, and theories in special education. The specific topics may change yearly to reflect changing priorities and interests in special education, and the specific interest and competencies of visiting and regular faculty.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 390A | Special Topics in Special Education

A review of typical development, and primary focus on issues of atypical development in infants and young children, including fetal alcohol syndrome, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism and vision or hearing impairments. (UBC Calendar)
This online course examines the typical and atypical developmental processes of young children from birth to six years. The course provides a framework for understanding the impact of disabling conditions on the developmental process.
EPSE 406 is intended for Infant Development and Aboriginal Infant Development consultants who work with children with special needs and their families from birth to Kindergarten entry in home, childcare or pre-school settings and for Supported Child Development and Aboriginal Supported Child Development consultants who work with children with special needs in childcare and school settings. It would be appropriate for early education/pre-school teachers, pediatric nurses and therapists with a special interest in young children. It is expected that students will have completed a survey or introductory course on infant and child development.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 406| Typical and Atypical Development in Infants and Children

Planning elementary and secondary level programs for highly able learners.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 408 | Educational Programming for Highly Able Learners

Theories of learning and instruction; principles and practices of diagnosis and assessment as these relate to students with relevant special needs.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 421 | Assessment of Learning Difficulties

Methods and programs for learning disabilities are reviewed. Practical experience in the development and execution of a remedial program is required. Pre-reqs: EPSE 316.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 431 | Programming for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities

Interpretation of informal and standardized test scores in educational diagnosis; estimates of actual and optimum levels of individual achievement; individual differences as factors affecting performance; methods of encouraging the optimum achievement of individuals; methods and practice materials for remedial teaching.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 461B | Educational Diagnosis and Remedial Instruction

This course is an introduction to the process and practice of research in education. It provides an overview of a variety of educational research methods and introduces both “quantitative” and “qualitative” approaches. In this course, students are assisted to recognize research paradigms as examples of disciplined inquiry, situate various models of inquiry, such as experimental, correlational, and single-subject designs, ethnography, and case studies.  Within these models of inquiry, students will be guided to understand, interpret, and critique studies conducted using a variety of methodological approaches, and plan a study with a research design appropriate to a selected research question. The students in this course:

  • examine characteristics of different educational research paradigms
  • study applications of these research paradigms to different educational problems
  • develop skills necessary to conduct a literature review and construct an integrated and critical summary of the literature in a particular area
  • develop strategies for understanding, interpreting, and evaluating research articles conducted within a range of research traditions
  • identify a research question of interest they would like to investigate
  • prepare a research proposal to examine their research question

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 482 or an introductory level statistics course is a pre- or co-requisite to this course.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 481 | Introduction to Research in Education

This course provides an overview of descriptive and inferential statistics commonly used in educational and psychological research.

Students successfully completing this course should be able to comprehend the assumptions, limitations, and uses of statistical methods; compute and interpret descriptive and selected inferential statistics; comprehend research that reports frequencies, means, t-tests, F-tests, and nonparametric tests; engage in statistical thinking; and develop a positive attitude towards the use of statistical methods.

The key concepts include data displays, descriptive statistics, variance, standardized distributions, sampling, probability distributions, sampling error, hypothesis testing, t and F-tests for comparing independent and dependent means, comparing proportions, correlation, and simple linear regression.

Prerequisites: Grade 12 algebra/math. A college level course in mathematics or statistics will be a definite advantage.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 482 | Introduction to Statistics for Research in Education

This course is an introductory research methods course for MEd students who are being trained as consumers rather than producers of educational research. Therefore, the course focuses on developing skills for locating, understanding, interpreting and critiquing education research. The course provides an overview of research design and process, introduces the concepts and skills involved in understanding and analyzing research in education, and provides an overview of basic, general knowledge of various research methodologies. Objectives of the course include the following:

  • develop library search skills and knowledge about resources for locating research articles and reports
  • understand the relationship between research questions, designs and methodologies
  • understand different research designs and methods such as correlational, experimental, ethnographic
  • understand and interpret statistical data and findings
  • understand and critique research methodologies and analyses
  • develop skills to analyze and critique articles
  • understand and apply concepts of validity and validity evidence in understanding and critiquing research reports

Prerequisites: No prerequisites

May not be used as a prerequisite to EPSE 592 or EPSE 596.

Course Link:EPSE 483 | Reading and Interpreting Research in Education

Introduction to research in education and educational psychology, including cognitive, sociocultural, and technological approaches to teaching and learning in diverse contexts, and cognitive, social and emotional development across the lifespan.

Program Area:

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 501 | Seminar in Human Development, Learning and Culture – PS: W1

Introduction to social and psychological research on language and literacy development, including reading and writing, individual differences, cross-cultural trends, atypical development, and language changes that result from aging.



2. Learning Disabilities MA Additional Content Requirements (choose 3 credits)

Course Link:EPSE 502 | Cognition, Language and Literacy Processes in Education

Investigates sociocultural research, pedagogies, and historically significant and emerging concepts, including situated learning, development as cultural participation, knowledge / identity, mediation, artifacts. Formal and informal learning environments are discussed, designed, and critically analyzed.

Program Area: 
Course Link:EPSE 503 | Cultural Perspectives on Learning, Development and Media – PS: W2

Investigates a range of developmental theories and research relevant to education. Topics address biological, social/emotional, and cognitive development, as well as contexts and factors influencing developmental wellbeing, including families, peers, schools, and communities.

Program Area:

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 505 | Foundations in Human Development: Infancy to Adulthood – PS: W2

The emphasis of the course is on current empirical and theoretical to disorders of children, youth, and adults, including issues in their classification, etiology, and developmental course. Emphasis will be placed on thinking about the most commonly encountered disorders within a developmental psychopathology framework as well as looking to increase acquisition of in-depth knowledge regarding the incidence, prevalence of specific disorders that are most commonly observed in psychopathology.

Course Link:EPSE 506 | Applied Psychopathology Across the Lifespan

The emphasis of the course is on current empirical and theoretical approaches to childhood disorders, including issues in their classification, etiology, and developmental course. Emphasis will be placed on thinking about childhood disorders within a developmental psychopathology framework rather than acquisition of in-depth.

Course Link:EPSE 507 | Applied Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Examination of theoretical approaches to human development, learning, and culture relevant to education. Topics rotate given faculty expertise. Students are encouraged to explore their research interests within the context of the course.

Program Area:

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 511 | Special Topics in Human Development, Learning, and Culture – PS: S2A

This course provides an introduction to educational and psychological measurement. This is not a statistics course and it provides more in-depth coverage of measurement, reliability, validity, and theory than what is covered by typical ‘tests and measures’ courses. Four areas will be emphasized:

(a) principles of measurement theory (e.g., reliability, validity),

(b) applications of classical test theory and item response theory to real world measurement problems,

(c) historical and social context of testing and measurement,

(d) learning how to make use of measurement information when selecting and evaluating items and measures.

This course is highly recommended for anyone planning to pursue applied, clinical, or research studies/careers involving the use or development of tests or measures.

Prerequisites:Successful completion of EPSE 482 or an equivalent undergraduate statistics course.

Heading 1:
MERM MEd Required Courses (12 credits):
Heading 2:
MERM MA Required Courses (12 credits):
Course Link:EPSE 528 | Basic Principles of Measurement

This advanced seminar course (offered on a two-year rotation) focuses on a variety of topics and issues related to the practical development of scales and measures in psychology, education, and health. Key topics will include: principles of scale development; principles and guidelines in item writing, scaling and response formats; common method biases and how to control for them; standardization of administration and scoring; the importance and examination of factor structure; analyses used in the evaluation, selection, and revision of items; and advanced topics in reliability and validity. Other related topics (e.g., ethical issues, item weighting, equating, test adaptation, computerized/internet testing) may also be incorporated into the course as time permits and based on student interest.

The course typically centers around a major practical assignment which involves working as part of a team to develop a measure, administer it, score it, examine its psychometric properties, and make recommendations for revision. This course is strongly recommended for anyone planning to pursue applied, clinical, or research studies/careers involving the use or development of tests or measures.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 528 or an equivalent advanced measurement course. It is expected that students will also have completed at least an undergraduate statistics course and be familiar with a statistics package such as SPSS.

Heading 1:
MERM MEd Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 18 credits):
Heading 2:
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 529 | Development of Scales and Measures

This course will focus on direct assessment and intervention of academic problems within a response-to-intervention framework of service delivery.  Emphasis will be placed the application of data-based problem-solving to determine present levels of performance, select appropriate interventions, monitor intervention effectiveness, and modify interventions based on student response.

Course Link:EPSE 531 | Data Based Individualization of Academic Interventions for Learning Difficulties

Administration, scoring, and interpretation of both formal (standardized) and informal approaches to academic assessment for children and youth are reviewed as well the domains assessed (i.e. oral language, reading, written language, math). Emphasis will be placed on selection of measures within a problem-solving model and appropriate use for educational decision-making, as well as linking assessment results to intervention. Prerequisite: EPSE 528 or equivalent preparation in psychometrics.

Course Link:EPSE 534 | Academic Assessment

Measures and techniques for the assessment of social and emotional functioning in children and adolescents, as well as the linking of assessment information to the development and evaluation of interventions. Prerequisite: EPSE 528 or equivalent.

Course Link:EPSE 535 | Social and Emotional Assesment

Pre-reqs: EPSE 449.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 549 | Seminar in Autism

This course focuses on the study of fundamental concepts and issues of professional school psychology. The course will examine the ethical and legal responsibilities of the School Psychologist professional, investigate major practical and professional issues in school psychology, and develop a theoretical foundation and orientation for professional training and practice of school psychology.

Course Link:EPSE 550 | Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in School and Applied Child Psychology

Not the same as CNPS 551. This course will provide students with the opportunity to engage in the critical investigation of major theoretical and applied issues relevant to consultation in school settings, and indirect psychological service delivery, particularly in school settings. Additionally, the course is designed to provide students with skills in consultation and the development and application of appropriate experimental designs for research in consultation and the evaluation of treatment effects in applied settings.

Course Link:EPSE 551 | School-Based Consultation

Critical investigation of issues relevant to social-emotional functioning and mental health and wellbeing for students in schools within a context of health-promotion, prevention, and intervention. Students will gain knowledge and skills relevant to the identification, translation, design, implementation, and evaluation of universal, targeted and intensive interventions and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention activities that support and promote student mental health and wellbeing. The course will focus on current research and professional literature relevant to the application of empirically validated intervention and prevention procedures, including methods of knowledge translation, program design, implementation science and evaluation.

Course Link:EPSE 552 | Intervention & Mental Health Promotion in Schools

Theoretical foundations and issues concerning the nature, measurement and understanding of cognitive abilities throughout the lifespan.

Course Link:EPSE 553 | Theories of Cognitive and Affective Abilities

Administration, scoring and interpretation of measures of cognitive ability for children and youth. Prerequisite: EPSE 528 or equivalent preparation in psychometrics. Registration typically restricted to students in the SCPS program.

Course Link:EPSE 554 | Practicum in Cognitive Assessment

This course covers formal and informal methods of assessing academic achievement and social and emotional functioning. Students in this course will gain competency in the selection, administration, and interpretation of commonly utilized assessment tools as well as how to apply assessment rules in making recommendations regarding intervention/prevention efforts and/or designations and diagnoses.

Course Link:EPSE 555 | Academic & Social-Emotional Assessment

In this course, the student will be exposed to the administration and interpretation of individually administered measures of cognitive abilities and academic achievement. A focus will be on individually administered tests of cognitive abilities commonly used with school age and adults. In addition to the theoretical foundation needed to interpret formal cognitive and academic assessments, skills in test administration, scoring, interpretation, and report writing will be developed.

 Pre-requisites: Admission to the School and Applied Child or Counselling Psychology programs; EPSE 553

Course Link:EPSE 556 | Cognitive & Academic Assessment Practicum

This course will introduce evidence-based approaches to social and emotional interventions with children and youth across school, family, and community settings. Individuals in this course will gain foundations of and introductory skills in using evidence-based approaches to intervention with children and youth, while learning how to apply using these approaches in future supervised practicum and internship experiences. Prerequisite: All of CNPS 362, EPSE 552 and one of EPSE 506, CNPS 535.

Course Link:EPSE 557 | Social and Emotional Interventions with Children and Youth

Practicum with focus on student area of interest. Letters after EPSE 561 indicate which focus area is taught.

EPSE 561F School Psychology Masters Practicum. An integrated school-based experience in psychological assessment and intervention for school-aged youth. The course is intended to provide opportunities for students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills acquired through previous coursework in the context of general school and applied child psychology practice. The primary goal is for students to develop competency and confidence in addressing the psychological and educational needs of children and youth.

Prerequisites: Admission to the School and Applied Child Psychology Program.

Course Link:EPSE 561F | Laboratory Practicum

With a focus on effective communication, collaboration and leadership skills that promote sustainable client outcomes, this course will teach students to consult with individual, group and organizational consultee-clients. Students will learn to deliver structured consultation within various settings (e.g., schools, clinics/organizations and hospitals) with their unique timetables and goals. Students will practice case assessment and intervention (including program evaluation) with diverse consultees via a consultee-centered approach. Students will develop skills in training, diagnostic assessments, supervision and the provision of constructive feedback to ensure generalization of consultee learned knowledge and skills.

Credit: 3

Course Link:EPSE 565A | Interdisciplinary Consultation

Cross-listed with CNPS 568. Study of brain-behavior relationships across the lifespan with special emphasis on neurodevelopment. A review of recent concepts, problems, and methods in the field. Issues from neuroanatomy to higher mental processes and rehabilitation and its applications to individuals with neuropsychological dysfunctions.

Course Link:EPSE 568 | Applied Developmental Neuropsychology

This course provides students in counseling psychology and school psychology with a foundational perspective on social psychological theory and research and its application to applied research and practice. Traditional content areas within social psychology such as the self, social cognition, attitudes and persuasion, group influence, prosocial behavior, aggression and conflict, and close relationships will be considered for their relevance to the practice domains of counseling and school psychology.

Course Link:EPSE 569 | Social Psychological Foundations in Applied Psychology

Applications of Behaviour Analysis.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 572 | Applications of Behaviour Analysis

EPSE 581 is a special topics course with each offering focusing on a different theme or topic within measurement, evaluation, research methodology, or data analysis. The topic in 2011 is Socio-politics of Educational Assessment.

This is an introductory course on educational assessment designed for masters and doctoral students with little or no statistical training that focuses on understanding educational assessment from social and political perspectives. Technical attributes of assessment will be discussed, but this course is not a measurement course and students who are interested in learning about measurement theory and practice should take EPSE 528.

The course has three main goals:

1)  to provide a basic conceptual understanding of essential concepts in educational assessment (such as reliability, validity, and bias) so as to encourage informed critique and use of educational assessment data

2)  to explore educational assessment in relation to current issues in education policy and practice, and within socio-political contexts, including:

a) the history of educational assessment
b) the relationship between assessment and pedagogy and learning
c) the relationship between educational assessment and political ideologies and interests
d) the relationship between educational assessment and accountability

3)  to foster critical analysis of educational assessment for forward looking problem solving in educational policy and practice, including:

a) understanding and accounting for multiple interests in and perspectives on educational assessment
b) fostering good assessment at the classroom and building level
c) using large scale testing data wisely for educational planning & decision making
d) considering the differential effects of assessment in relation to gender, ethnicity, race, and special needs

Prerequisites: None

Heading 1:
MERM MEd Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 18 credits):
Heading 2:
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):
Course Link:EPSE 581 | Special Topics in Research Design and Analysis

Understand the theories of both Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and mental health and how the confluence of these impact overall wellbeing.

Course Link:EPSE 582 | Social and Emotional Learning Through the Lens of Mental Health – PS: S1

Fostering Self-Regulated Learning.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 583 | Fostering Self-Regulated Learning

Participants in this course will explore different theoretical perspectives applied to the study of self-regulation, consider implications of research on self-regulated learning in educational contexts, and identify practices that have been shown to empower learners and learning in a variety of “activities” within and outside of schools, from the early years through adulthood. Participants will have opportunities for personalized learning, and will be supported to forge research/theory-practice/policy connections as relevant to the contexts in which they are working.

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 583 | Fostering Self-Regulated Learning – PS: W1 & S2B

Historical and methodological foundations of contemporary studies on motivation. An interdisciplinary review, including how models of motivation differentially impact approaches to pedagogy, curriculum, and other aspects of learning in and beyond schools and communities of practice.


2. Learning Disabilities MA Additional Content Requirements (choose 3 credits):

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 584 | Motivation in Education – PS: W2

Examines theoretical foundations and current research on the promotion and evaluation of social and emotional development and learning in schools and community settings, including cooperation, group interaction, moral education, and classrooms as social systems.



2. Learning Disabilities MA Additional Content Requirements (choose 3 credits)

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 585 | Social and Emotional Development in Education – PS: W1

The culminating training experience to prepare school psychologists at the master’s level. A 1200 hour internship in a school-based setting.

Prerequisite: Admission to the School Psychology M.Ed. Program and completion of all required coursework.


Course Link:EPSE 589 | Masters Internship in School and Applied Child Psychology

The purpose of the course is to provide an understanding of evaluation—as a discipline, as a profession, as a process and a product in a wide range of educational and social contexts. There are no prerequisites for this course and it is appropriate for all graduate students, masters or doctoral level. The primary focus of the course is program evaluation rather than the assessment of individuals (for example, the measurement of student achievement or personnel review). The course focuses on developing an understanding of the logic of evaluative thinking, the nature of evaluation as a profession and discipline, the knowledge and skills needed to be expert consumers of program evaluation and novice evaluators in contexts relevant to individual career contexts.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the logic of evaluation
  • Understand and be able to use the central concepts in evaluation
  • Be familiar with major approaches to evaluation
  • Be aware of standards in evaluation, including ethical practices for evaluators
  • Understand the social and political nature of evaluation

Because students will have different contexts of application for evaluation, course assignments are constructed so that each individual can apply evaluation concepts in a context meaningful for them.

Prerequisites: None

Cross-listed with EDST 525

MERM MEd Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 18 credits):
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):


Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 591 | Theory and Practice of Program Evaluation

Most research in the social sciences (e.g., education, psychology) uses either correlation or quasi-experimental designs. Correlation designs are taught in EPSE 596. In EPSE 592, the focus is on experimental and quasi-experimental designs, how to analyze and interpret data obtained from such designs, and how to describe results from these analyses using proper format.

Researchers are frequently interested answering questions that involve comparing two or more groups (e.g., sex differences, compare age or education groups, compare control vs. intervention groups). The course will cover various analyses of variance (ANOVA) techniques designed to answer such questions (e.g., one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, mixed model ANOVA, ANCOVA) as well as their assumptions, nonparametric alternatives, and relevant effect size indicators. Other related topics, such as sample size and power calculations, three-way ANOVAs and MANOVA, may be included as time permits. Analyses will be conducted using SPSS.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 482 or an equivalent course in undergraduate statistics. EPSE 483 is not an acceptable prerequisite course.

MERM MEd Required Courses (12 credits)
MERM MA Required Courses (12 credits)


Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 592 | Experimental Designs and Analysis in Educational Research

Single subject research is a scientific methodology that allows researchers to conduct a true experiment with one or a small number of subjects. It has played a central role in the development of evidence-based interventions in the fields of special education, clinical psychology, school psychology, counselling psychology, rehabilitation sciences, and audiology and speech sciences. The course focuses on procedures and issues related to the design, implementation and analysis of single subject research. The course covers general methodological information as well as specific details about single subject research designs and the use of single subject methods in applied settings. Issues and applications of statistical procedures to single subject, time series data will also be introduced.

As a function of participating in the course, students will be able to: (a) design and apply single subject research procedures to address research questions and issues in special education, school psychology, counselling psychology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation sciences, or audiology and speech sciences; (b) analyze and interpret data collected with single subject research procedures; (c) discuss contexts in which statistical analysis of time series data is appropriate or necessary and describe methods for conducting such an analysis; and (d) design community-based single subject research that balances the need for scientific rigor with equal need for social relevance.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 596 or an equivalent course or permission of the instructor.

MERM MEd Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 18 credits)
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits)


Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 593 | Design and Analysis of Research with Small Samples and Single Subjects

Meta-analysis is a type of systemic review that uses techniques to systematically combine and summarize the statistical results of research in any field. Summarizing existing research is a necessary endeavour in the scientific process. An understanding of how to evaluate and conduct a meta-analysis is of vital importance to today’s researchers.

The focus in this course is on current methods and techniques for calculating and analyzing study effect sizes. The course covers the entire meta-analytic process: problem formulation, data collection, data evaluation, analysis and interpretation, and presentation of results. Various effect size measures are studied. Methods of combining effect sizes and the use of moderator variables are extensively examined. Students learn practical skills and complete an actual meta-analysis project that can be used as a start towards their thesis/dissertation.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 592 and/or EPSE 596 or equivalent courses.

MERM MEd Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 18 credits):
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):


Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 594 | Meta-Analysis: Quantitative Research Synthesis

This is an introductory research course focusing especially on interpretive and critical approaches to social science and educational research, what is often called qualitative research. There are no prerequisites for this course so it is appropriate for both masters and doctoral students who are making an initial foray into qualitative research. As an introductory course, the purpose is to explore philosophical and practical aspects of research that will help students in deciding if this research approach ‘works’ for them and to open the door to more advanced course work in interpretive and critical research.

The course begins with a brief philosophical introduction to the foundational ideas in post-positivism and interpretivism that underpin alternative research methodologies and methods. Students will be encouraged to reflect on and come to new understandings about their epistemologies as they learn about interpretive research approaches. The course will provide hands-on activities in data collection and analysis methods that are generic for many interpretive research approaches—focusing especially on participant observation, individual and group in-depth interviewing, and material culture. While the course does not focus in depth on any specific methodology, students

will be introduced to a wide range of methodological approaches. Other topics such as ethics and politics of research will discussed, particularly in relation to qualitative research. By reading exemplary examples of interpretive and critical research studies, students will be exposed to models for excellent research within this tradition.

Prerequisites: None

MERM MEd Required Courses (12 credits)
MERM MA Required Courses (12 credits)


Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 595 | Qualitative Research Methods

The goal of the course is to enable students to build and evaluate statistical models for the analysis and interpretation of data in the behavioural sciences. The focus is on methods of statistical modelling of data and practical decision-making, rather than on statistical theory per se.

Simple linear and nonlinear regression, multiple regression, and logistic regression are the main topics. IBM SPSS software is used.  Regression is a highly general and very flexible data analytic framework in which to examine phenomena in the behavioural sciences. It can be used to predict or to explain relationships between an outcome variable and predictors or explanatory variables of interest. Both continuous and categorical variables of the kind typically studied in psychology and education can be accommodated.

Students successfully completing this course should be able to comprehend the assumptions, limitations, and uses of correlational and  regression analysis; compute and interpret regression solutions for non-experimental and experimental designs; conceptualize, analyze, and interpret path models including mediators and moderators; evaluate publications and compose research reports incorporating correlational and regression analyses.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 482 is required. Successful completion of EPSE 592 is highly recommended.

Heading 1:
MERM MEd Required Courses (12 credits):
Heading 2:
MERM MA Required Courses (12 credits):

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 596 | Correlational Designs and Analysis in Educational Research

This course is designed for individuals who want to become familiar with the statistical techniques known collectively as “latent variable modeling”. Throughout the course, widely available, but specialized, software such as LISREL or MPlus will be used for the computation. The course focuses on the class of techniques and statistical theory that include, for example: (a) the class of models referred to as LISREL models or structural equation models (SEM), (b) unrestricted maximum likelihood factor analysis, (c) path or causal models, and (d) confirmatory factor analysis. The course will also include discussion, and examples, of measurement invariance, and rating scales – Likert response data. Both exploratory and confirmatory modeling strategies will be discussed, with an emphasis on the statistical and confirmatory approach.

Topics include:

1. Basic ideas of latent variable modeling and factor analysis.

2. Overview of “exploratory” factor models

3. General Linear Latent Variable Model

4. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)

5. Applications of CFA:

a)     Construct validity and measurement studies
b)     Multi-group CFA
c)     Test theory models of “equivalence”, sets of congeneric tests
d)     Matters of factorial and measurement invariance
e)     Models for latent growth (optional)

6. Special Problems

a)     Dealing with binary and rating scale (or Likert) data and how factor analysis is related to Item Response Theory (IRT)
b)     Incomplete data (i.e., missingness)
c)     Cautions regarding “causal” modeling; what is “causal” about causal modeling?
d)     The matter of equivalent models
e)     Model identification
f)      Methods for setting the metric of the latent variable(s)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 592 and EPSE 596, or at least two courses (one of which must be a graduate course) in statistics and/or data analysis. It will be very helpful to have taken (or be taking) a course in regression because some of those concepts will be built on in this class. If you are unsure whether your background is sufficient, please contact the instructor.

Heading 1:
MERM MEd Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 18 credits):
Heading 2:
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):
Course Link:EPSE 597 | Factor Analysis and its Application to Behavioural Sciences

EPSE 598 Field Experiences Advanced Masters Practicum in School and Applied Child Psychology. This practicum is for master’s students in School and Applied Child Psychology taking additional advanced practicum beyond the core masters practicum experiences.

Prerequisite: Admission to the School Psychology MA or MEd Program

Course Link:EPSE 598 | Field Experiences – PS: Ongoing

Advanced research in human development, learning, and culture across perspectives from educational psychology. Topics rotate given faculty expertise. Students are encouraged to explore their research interests within the context of the course.

Program Area:

Credit: 3/6

Course Link:EPSE 604 | Advanced Topics in Human Development, Learning, and Culture – PS: W1

Designed primarily for graduate students preparing for post-secondary teaching. Examination of issues from the standpoint of research in educational psychology, including principles of learning, instructional technology, assessment, as well as developing, organizing, and evaluating instruction.

Program Area:

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 606 | College and University Teaching

Exploration of the diversity of experience from adolescence through emerging adulthood, including current educational research and theory on developmental trajectories and learning across family and peer, school and community, and cultural and global contexts.

Program Area:

Course Link:EPSE 630 | Advanced Seminar: Adolescence Through Emerging Adulthood – PS: S1 (odd years)

This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge on systems change and an introduction to the empirical literature and available resources on the promotion and adoption of classroom, school, and systems level approaches to prevention and intervention. The course is designed for advanced graduate students who are interested in working directly with systems, policy makers, and important stakeholders to facilitate lasting change.

Course Link:EPSE 632 | Systems Change in Schools

This doctoral level seminar is designed to provide an introduction to the historical, theoretical and empirical underpinnings and applications of community psychology. An emphasis will be placed on understanding community based systems outside of the school including but not limited to health and mental health services in the community, the role of community, and how professionals working with children, youth and their families can make change at a community level.

Course Link:EPSE 633 | Community-Based Systems

This course will focus on different special advanced topics in assessment including neuropsychological assessment, early childhood assessment, bilingual assessment, etc..

Pre-requisites: EPSE 528; EPSE 554 or 556; Admission to the School and Applied Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs.

Course Link:EPSE 634 | Special Topics in Advanced Assessment of School and Applied Child Psychology Practice

EPSE 681 is an advanced topics course in research and measurement, with each offering focusing on a different theme or topic within measurement, evaluation, research methodology, or data analysis. The topic in 2011 is Advanced Qualitative Research in Psychology.

This advanced level course is offered for doctoral students wishing to extend their knowledge of qualitative methodologies. The course content will focus on in-depth understandings of the philosophy of science and how various epistemological perspectives underpin how we conceptualize methods of inquiry. The advanced methods covered will focus on narrative inquiry, critical narrative methods, critical ethnographic methods, and various forms of discourse analysis as applied within psychology.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 595 or an equivalent course or permission of the instructor.

Heading 1:
MERM MEd Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 18 credits):
Heading 2:
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):

Credits: 3

Course Link:EPSE 681 | Advanced Topics

This course focuses on multivariate research design, statistical methods and data analysis. Emphasis will be placed on providing a fundamental understanding of the multivariate quantitative methodological techniques used in the empirical social, behavioural, and educational sciences. Emphasis is placed on encouraging you to learn to communicate in the language of multivariate data analysis. Communication is at the core of this course. Computation is meant to aid in communication.

Emphasis will be placed on data analysis techniques. An awareness of the common pitfalls and misconceptions of the various techniques and the fundamental assumptions you need to make to apply these methods will be emphasized. The multivariate general linear model and other multivariate methods will be discussed both from a geometric and matrix algebraic formulation.

Topics covered include:

  • Why do we need multivariate statistics in our research repertoire — or do we? Along the way, a brief review of some univariate and bivariate statistics, including multiple regression modeling.
  • Some rudiments of matrix algebra in the context of statistical analysis and some fundamental statistical theorems and results for multivariate analysis.
  • Analysis of experimental data for designs involving completely between or within factors, mixed or split-plot designs, nested designs, and fixed versus random factors. Repeated measures ANOVA.
  • Analysis of covariance.
  • Brief discussion of canonical correlation.
  • Multivariate analysis of variance and covariance (MANOVA/MANCOVA), step-down analysis, post-hocs to MANOVA.
  • Discriminant Function analysis.
  • Brief discussion of principal components and factor analysis.

Prerequisites:  Successful completion of EPSE 592 and EPSE 596 or equivalent graduate-level courses involving regression and the analysis of experimental data. It will be very helpful to have taken (or be taking) a course in regression because some of those concepts will be built on in this class. If you are unsure whether your background is sufficient, please contact the instructor.

Heading 1:
MERM MEd Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 18 credits):
Heading 2:
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):
Course Link:EPSE 682 | Multivariate Designs and Analysis in Educational Research

Change over time is a fundamental concept in the social, behavioural, and health sciences. For some areas such as human development or areas involving program evaluation, change is a central aspect of study. In other areas, change may not be the central aspect of study, but it can still be of concern. Research in educational, cognitive, school, clinical, counselling, or social psychology examines change whenever treatments are compared to a control group or to a base rate. Researchers are frequently interested in answering questions requiring the use of pre- and post-measures and longitudinal (multi-wave) data.  This course will cover the conceptual measurement, design and data analysis issues surrounding change and growth. Where possible, practical applications will be brought to class and be the focus of discussion.

Objectives: This course focuses on: (i) issues in the use of change or difference scores in two-wave data, (ii) HLM and other multi-level models for the trajectories resulting from multi-wave data that collected over more than two time points. Although the focus of the multi-wave analyses will be on HLM or multilevel models, if time permits, the use of structural equation models for change and growth modeling will be briefly described. Another way of describing this course is that you are learning about HLM modeling in the context of growth and change.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of a graduate course in statistics, data analysis, and research design (in the social, educational, and health sciences). It would be an asset for you to have completed a course covering basic topics in measurement (e.g., reliability and validity) and having covered regression and ANOVA. It would be a real asset for you if have covered MANOVA, repeated measures, and factor analysis, but these are not necessary. Students without measurement and regression will struggle with most of the material.

Heading 2:
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):
Course Link:EPSE 683 | Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Growth and Change

EPSE 684 is an advanced level course on educational and psychological measurement which focuses primarily on item response theory (IRT). The course focuses on providing a foundation for understanding modeling item responses using IRT, applying IRT to different measurement problems, and examining its uses in research literature.  Using software packages is an integral part of studying and using IRT models and the course dedicates portions of class times to learning and using an IRT estimation package. The students in this course will:

  • examine fundamentals of item response theory
  • study a variety of IRT models
  • study applications of these models to different measurement problems
  • develop skills necessary to model responses for dichotomous and polytomous items, to calibrate responses from such items, and interpret item and examinee parameter estimates
  • identify and examine current issues and publications in IRT
  • identify a research question of interest they would like to investigate
  • conduct analyses and prepare a research paper to examine their research question

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EPSE 528 or an introductory level measurement course

Heading 2:
MERM MA Approved Methodology Electives* (Choose 12 credits):
Course Link:EPSE 684 | Item Response Theory

A 250-hour doctoral level practicum. Students are typically placed in a school or agency setting and develop individual goals and objectives in areas of assessment, intervention, consultation, etc.

Course Link:EPSE 687(3-12)d | Pre-Doctoral Field Experiences

A practicum designed to provide advanced doctoral students in School and Applied Child Psychology instruction and practice in the supervision of school psychology practice.

Prerequisite: Admission to the School and Applied Child Psychology PhD program.

Course Link:EPSE 688 | Supervision of School and Applied Child Psychology Practice

The Pre-Doctoral Internship in School and Applied Child Psychology is the culminating field experience of the PhD program in School Psychology. Students complete a 1600-hour internship in a school or other agency setting under the supervision of a registered psychologist.

Prerequisite: Admission to the School and Applied Child Psychology PhD Program, Completion of all required coursework, comprehensive examinations, and admission to candidacy.

Course Link:EPSE 689 | Pre-Doctoral Internship in School and Applied Child Psychology