CNPS 588 | Supervised Clinical Experience in Counselling

This is a required course for all Master’s students. It is designed as an advanced clinical course for students who wish to further develop their counselling and consulting skills, practicing appropriately selected interventions, and increasing their conceptual understanding. Students will be given the opportunity to work with client cases with a wide range of personal, cultural, socioeconomic backgrounds, and problem types with varying degrees of severity. Their clinical practice is closely monitored and directly supervised by a qualified instructor and, if applicable, by a doctoral student supervisor throughout the September-April period for 26 weeks. Group supervision and case conferences are integral parts of this course.

Successful completion of this course is a perquisite for enrolling in CNPS 598: Field Experiences (Counselling Practicum).


To enroll in CNPS 588, also known as “clinic,” students must have successfully completed CNPS 578C or CNPS 578B Lab. Students can only take CNPS 588 in the second year of their program. All students must clear a criminal record check (CRC) before they will be allowed to enroll in this course and work with clients.

It is students’ responsibility to arrange a leave of absence one day per week from their workplace in order to attend their assigned clinic fully over the two consecutive terms, typically from the first week of September to the first week of April of each year.

Credits: 6