Program Areas

The Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS) within the UBC Faculty of Education is a community of scholars committed to the use and application of psychological foundations and research to understanding and solving human problems across the lifespan and in diverse contexts including families, communities, schools, and workplaces.

We offer the best of two worlds: intimate graduate programs within a large, vibrant, and culturally rich university.

Our student body is a rich, inclusive, and multicultural mix from across Canada and around the world. Students have the opportunity to develop their abilities and skills to their highest potential through programs tailored to meet individual needs. We strive to provide opportunities for in-depth collaborations and engagement among students and between students and faculty and staff. 

ECPS Includes Five Distinctive Program Areas

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Counselling Psychology

The Counselling Psychology Program, in line with the mission of the research-intensive University of British Columbia, creates, advances and critically examines knowledge in counselling psychology, especially with respect to its validity, applicability, limits, and interface with other disciplines. [LEARN MORE]

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Human Development, Learning, and Culture

The Human Development, Learning, and Culture (HDLC) program at UBC advances research and practice in education through the application of theoretical models and concepts to real world educational issues. [LEARN MORE]

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Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology

The Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology (MERM) program prepares graduate students as methodological and measurement specialists. The programs emphasize advanced research as applied to educational, psychological, health, and social contexts. [LEARN MORE]

School and Applied Child Psychology

The School and Applied Child Psychology program prepares graduate students to become psychologists who work in schools, academic, research, community and private practice settings. [LEARN MORE]

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Special Education

The Special Education program at UBC concerns the education of students with exceptionalities, such as students with visual impairments, developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, gifts and talents, and those who are deaf or hard of hearing. [LEARN MORE]