Program Prerequisites
In addition to the minimum admission requirements set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, students admitted to the Ph.D. degree program normally possess a M.A. in School and Applied Child Psychology equivalent to the requirements of the UBC M.A. program (see coursework listed below), and graduate or senior undergraduate preparation in Human Development (3 credits), History and Systems of Psychology (3 credits), and Biological Bases of Behaviour (6 credits), Basic Interviewing Skills (3 credits). Prerequisites not met prior to entry may be included in the doctoral program of study.
Mandatory Criminal Record Checks: All School and Applied Child Psychology students must have a criminal record check completed through the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Teacher Education Office prior to the start of classes. The application deadline to authorize the Criminal Records Check is August 31 to allow sufficient time for the results to be returned to the SACP Graduate Program Support prior to beginning practicum placements in the schools in September. The criminal record check cannot be done at a local police station or RCMP office.
Prerequisites Coursework
EPSE 506 (3) Applied Psychopathology Across the Lifespan
EPSE 528 (3) Basic Principles of Measurement
EPSE 531 (3) Data Based Decision Making of Individualization of Academic Interventions for Learning Difficulties
EPSE 534 (3) Academic Assessment
EPSE 535 (3) Social and Emotional Assessment
EPSE 550 (3) Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues In School Psychology
EPSE 553 (3) Theories of Cognitive and Affective Abilities
EPSE 556 (3) Cognitive and Academic Assessment Practicum
EPSE 552 (3) Intervention and Mental Health Promotion in Schools
EPSE 557 (3) Social and Emotional Interventions with Children and Youth
EPSE 561 (12) Laboratory Practicum In School and Applied Child Psychology (6 credits each year 1 and 2)
Research Coursework (minimum 3 credits)
EPSE 599 (6) Thesis
UBCx: Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education (MOOC)
Required Coursework and Experiences
EPSE 551 (3) Consultation
Advanced Professional Practice Coursework (minimum 6 credits including EPSE 635)
Research Coursework (minimum 6 credits—at least 1 quantitative and 1 qualitative across MA and PhD programs)
Graduate level course in Development (3 credits)
CNPS 587 (1) History and Systems of Psychology
EPSE 631: Professional Seminar in School and Applied Child Psychology (1 credits each of first three years)
EPSE 633 (3) Community Based Systems
EPSE 661 (12) Doctoral Practicum in School and Applied Child Psychology1 (6 credits each year 1 and 2)
EPSE 688 (1) Supervision of School and Applied Child Psychology Practice
EPSE 689 (3) Pre-doctoral Internship in School and Applied Child Psychology
Multicultural and Diversity Elective (3 credits)
Comprehensive Examination
EPSE 699 (0) Dissertation
Total: 41 credits
Practicum and Pre-Doctoral Internship/Residency
Ph.D. students complete an integrated practicum with M.A. students in Year 1 (September through June) in a school setting. In Year 2 they complete community-based placement (September through June). Students in Year 3 may elect to do additional practicum with approval if they are on track with their dissertation research to help develop clinical focus or specialization. They complete a 12-month (1600 hour) internship/residency in year 4 or 5 (depending on their dissertation focus and progress). Students in the UBC SACP program are required to apply for internship/residency through APPIC. While efforts are made to accommodate student needs there is no guarantee that students will be in the Vancouver area for their Pre-Doctoral Internship/Residency.
Data on student admissions and outcomes for the Ph.D. program are presented here.