Assistant Professor of Teaching
Dr. Simon Lisaingo is an alumnus of the School and Applied Child Psychology (SACP) Program at UBC. Dr. Lisaingo also works as a Provincial Outreach Clinician with the Children & Youth with Complex Care Needs Unit of the Ministry of Children and Family Development. He was previously a classroom teacher in Vancouver, Ottawa, and the Yukon.
His doctoral research examined the development, implementation, and evaluation of a home-school consultative intervention for students with emerging emotional and behavioural problems. He completed his pre-doctoral residency at the Ottawa-Carleton School District. He has received training and work experience at the BC Psychosis Program and Mood Disorders clinic, where he conducted neuropsychological assessments and led cognitive remediation interventions. He has received several research awards including UBC Public Scholars Initiative, Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law (CAPSLE) in Education Research Fellowship, Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) Doctoral Scholarship, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Storytellers Student Challenge.
He grew up here in BC but has lived in various parts of Canada. When not working, he can be found on the soccer field or in the wilderness. He has two young boys who challenge him to enjoy the present moment.
Dr. Lisaingo does not currently serve as a research supervisor.
Scholarly Interests:
- Family-school collaboration
- Emotion regulation and self-regulated learning
- School mental health
- Trauma-informed practices
- Complex youth with developmental disabilities
- Psychological assessment and diagnosis
- Expanding role of school psychologists
- Telepsychology
Theoretical Orientation:
- Ecological
- Cognitive-behavioural
- Partnership-centered
- Biopsychosocial
EPSE 550 Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in School/child psychology
EPSE 554 Cognitive Assessment Practicum
EPSE 556 Cognitive and Academic Assessment Practicum
EPSE 561I Practicum in School Psychology
University of British Columbia, 2022, Ph.D. in School and Applied Child Psychology
University of British Columbia, 2016, M.A. in School Psychology
University of British Columbia, 2008, B.Ed. in Middle Years Science
University of British Columbia, 2006, B.Sc. in Cell Biology and Genetics
Perry, N., Lisaingo, S., Yee, N., Muis, K., Parent, N., & Wan, X. (2020) Collaborating with teachers to design and implement assessments for self-regulated learning in the context of authentic classroom writing tasks. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 27:4, 416-443.
Perry, N., Lisaingo, S., & Ford, L. (2018) Understanding the role of motivation in children’s self- regulation for learning. In D. Whitebread, K. Kumpulainen, M. McClellend, V. Grau, & D. Pino- Pasternak (Eds.), Handbook of Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education. London: Sage.
Lisaingo, S. (2014). Re-cap CPA 2014 rural and northern section symposium: Engaging the next generation of psychologists. Rural and Northern Psychology section of the CPA newsletter: “The View from Here”, Fall 2014 issue.
Lisaingo, S., Arquillano, E., Ford, L. & Perry, N. (2020, July-August). Making time and bridging home-school relationships: Lessons from individual case studies. Paper to presented virtually at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, QC.
Lisaingo, S., & Semchuk, J. (2019, November). Data-informed, targeted interventions for improving emotion regulation: Considerations for internalizing problems. Conference session presented at the Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health Conference 2019, Austin, TX, USA.
Lisaingo, S., Ford, L., & Sterett, M. (2018, April). Using behavioral consultation to strengthen emotional self- regulation in children: A case example. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. (Nominated Top 9 for APA Division 15 Poster Award)
Lisaingo, S., Perry, N., Yee, N., Parent, N., & Wan, X. (2018, May). Frustrated but focused: An assessment of children’s self-regulation for learning during writing. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Lisaingo, S. (2017, May). Access to services: The evolving role of the school psychologist. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education, Saskatoon, SK.
Fuchs, C., Picardo, R., Lisaingo, S., & Ford, L. (2017, June). The invisible conditions youth conference: Connecting and empowering youth with invisible chronic health conditions. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.