Associate Professor Emeritus
University of British Columbia
Scholarly Interests:
Educational and Psychological Measurement, Meta-analysis Methods, Program Evaluation
Selected Publications:
Forester, D., & Kishor, N. (1997). Preference for graph formats in Health Care Policy Decision-Making. Proceedings of the International Association of Management Conference, 15(1), 153-160.
Ma, X., & Kishor, N. (1997). The relationship of attitudes towards mathematics and achievement in mathematics: A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 9(2), 89-120.
Kishor, N. (1995). Evaluating predictive validity by using different scales of the Stanford Achievement Test for the Hearing Impaired. The Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.
Kishor, N. (1995). The effect of implicit theories on raters’ inference in performance judgment: Consequences for the validity of student ratings of instruction. Research in Higher Education, 36, (2).
Research Projects:
Evaluation of Missing Data Treatment Methods:
Various ways of handling non-ignorable missing responses are being evaluated in terms of accuracy and bias in parameter estimates, and hypothesis testing.
Comparison of Open-ended and Multi-choice Items, and Performance Ratings:
The relative efficiency of item types in determining construct dimensions is being examined with interaction models of structural relations.
Computer Adaptive Testing:
The effect of item presentation order and examinee decision making is being examined to optimize adaptive testing.
Dr. Kishor retired in 2014
Courses Taught:
EPSE 423
EPSE 481
EPSE 482
EPSE 528
EPSE 592