M.Ed. Concentration in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process of acquiring the competencies to recognize and manage emotions, develop caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging situations effectively. In short, SEL competencies comprise the foundational skills for positive health practices and interpersonal relationships, engaged citizenship, and school success. SEL is sometimes called “the missing piece,” because it represents a part of education that is inextricably linked to school success, but has not been explicitly stated or given much attention until recently. SEL emphasizes active learning approaches in which skills can be generalized across curriculum areas and contexts when opportunities are provided to practice the skills that foster positive attitudes, behaviours, and thinking processes. There is no thesis requirement.

We have created a SEL concentration option in the HDLC M.Ed. program for students with an interest in learning more about theories, research, and practice in the area of social and emotional learning and development.

Interested in learning more? Please take a moment to review the social and emotional learning resources available at the SEL Resource Finder site.

Social and Emotional Learning Concentration Information (30 credits)

Students with no previous coursework on research methods prior to starting an M.Ed. in HDLC will be required to take a prerequisite course: EPSE 483 (3) Reading and Interpreting Research in Education. This course can be taken early in your degree but does not count towards fulfilling your program credit requirements.

Students who have not had equivalent research methods course work prior to starting the M.Ed. will be required to take the following course prior to or early in their program:

EPSE 483 (3) Reading and Interpreting Research in Education

HDLC Content Requirements (9 credits):

EPSE 501 (3) Seminar in Human Development, Learning, and Culture
EPSE 503 (3) Cultural Perspectives on Learning, Development, and Media
EPSE 505 (3) Foundations in Human Development: Infancy to Adulthood

HDLC Concentration Requirements (9 credits):

EPSE 585 (3) Social and Emotional Development in Education
EPSE 588 (3) Indigenous Pathways Through Social and Emotional Learning
EPSE 582 (3) Social and Emotional Learning Through the Lens of Mental Health

SEL Concentration Electives (9 credits):

EPSE 584 (3) Motivation in Education
EPSE 511 (3) Special Topics in Human Development (if topic relevant to SEL)
EPSE 604 (3) Advanced Topics in Human Development, Learning & Culture (if topic relevant to SEL)
EPSE 630 (3) Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
EPSE 583 (3) Fostering Self-Regulated Learning
ECED 531 (3) Supporting Young Children’s Social Emotional Development in Early Childhood Education
EPSE 557 (3) Social-Emotional Interventions with Children and Youth

HDLC Graduating Seminar (3 credits):

EPSE 590 (3) Graduating Seminar

NOTE: These are the minimum requirements for the Master's of Education. Students are strongly encouraged to take additional relevant courses selected in consultation with, and approved by, their advisor.

Students completing a Masters of Education in Human Development, Learning, & Culture must complete EPSE 590: The Graduating Seminar at the end of their program. Students must complete 24 credits of coursework before taking the course, and they must register for the course through their graduating advisor. The course is offered twice each year: during Winter 2 and Summer 2.

PGS form can be found on HDLC Forms & Resources page.