M.Ed. Concentration in Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)

Across North America, “self-regulated learning” is being associated with the kinds of “21st century learning skills” that schools need to foster, if today’s learners are to experience success from primary grades through the adult years. Self-regulation is critical because it entails learners’ adaptive engagement in activity within particular environments (e.g., students’ successful navigation of academic work in schools). Models of self-regulation describe how “metacognition” (e.g., understanding oneself as a learner), motivation/emotions, and strategic action combine to ensure success in learning. Research suggests that these models provide a powerful framework from which educators can build to better understand challenges/successes in students’ learning and engagement, and for constructing practices that foster students’ development as empowered, strategic learners.

We have created a Self-Regulated Learning concentration option in the HDLC M.Ed. program for students with an interest in learning more about theories, research, and practice in the area of self-regulated learning.

Through the program, participants will consider together theories, principles, and practices related to:

  • developmental and learning processes in the academic, social-emotional, and cultural domains;
  • self-regulation and motivation in classrooms and schools;
  • meeting the diverse learning needs in today’s classrooms;
  • how to interpret and take up theory/research to inform on-going practice development.

Self-Regulated Learning Concentration Information (30 credits)

Participants in the M.Ed. SRL concentration will engage in rich, inquiry-based processes through which they will continually have opportunities to co-construct knowledge related to learning and development, and to bridge theory, research and practice. Using an inquiry-based approach, educators will learn about the dimensions of self-regulation (e.g., cognitive, motivational, social-emotional, behavioural), and be prepared to create inclusive, SRL-promoting environments in the contexts where they are working.

Students with no previous coursework on research methods prior to starting an M.Ed. in HDLC will be required to take a prerequisite course: EPSE 483 (3) Reading and Interpreting Research in Education. This course can be taken early in your degree but does not count towards fulfilling your program credit requirements. There is no thesis requirement.

Below are the minimum requirements for the Master’s of Education. Students are strongly encouraged to take additional relevant courses selected in consultation with, and approved by, their advisor.

Students completing a Masters of Education in Human Development, Learning, & Culture must complete EPSE 590: The Graduating Seminar at the end of their program. Students must complete 24 credits of coursework before taking the course, and they must register for the course through their graduate advisor. The course is offered twice each year: during Winter 2 and Summer 2.

Students in the M.Ed. Concentration in SRL also are required to take EPSE 598R: Field Study experience. This field study is typically undertaken as an individualized inquiry-based project anchored in students’ practice environment(s). Students must also register for this course through their graduate advisor.

Research Methods Prerequisite:

Students who have not had equivalent research methods course work prior to starting the M.Ed. will be required to take the following course prior to or early in their program:

EPSE 483 (3) Reading and Interpreting Research in Education

HDLC Content Requirements (9 credits):

EPSE 501 (3) Seminar in Human Development, Learning, and Culture
EPSE 503 (3) Cultural Perspectives on Learning, Development, and Media
EPSE 505 (3) Foundations in Human Development: Infancy to Adulthood

HDLC Concentration Requirements (12 credits):

EPSE 598 (3) Field Experiences
EPSE 583 (3) Self-Regulated Learning in Education [formerly EPSE 565R]
EPSE 584 (3) Motivation in Education
EPSE 585 (3) Social and Emotional Development in Education

Electives (6 credits):

Choose 6 credits of electives in consultation with, and approved by, your advisor

Graduating Seminar (3 credits)

EPSE 590 (3) Graduating Seminar

PGS form can be found on HDLC Forms & Resources page.