Associate Professor
Director PSCTC
Dr. Schanding, RPsych, is an Associate Professor and Director of the Psychological Services and Counselling Training Centre at the University of British Columbia. He has previously served as a faculty member for universities in the USA, a Supervisor of Psychological Services for a school district (including practicum and intern students), a supervising psychologist for clinical-research services at Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children’s Hospital, and has consulted with numerous school districts. Additionally, he served as a core faculty member in Special Education and the Associate Director of Outreach and Leadership with the LoneStar Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) program (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) for 10 years. He completed his doctoral coursework at the University of Southern Mississippi (APA-accredited; Hattiesburg, MS, USA) and his doctoral internship with Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District (APA-accredited; Houston, TX, USA).
Research and Clinical Interests:
Dr. Schanding’s research interests center around social and emotional learning (SEL) and behavioural/mental health (B/MH). His work seeks to promote and enhance the academic, social-emotional, and behavioural/mental health of youth, their families, school, and community. Specific areas of interest include 1) the assessment of SEL and B/MH, 2) interventions to promote/enhance SEL and/or B/MH, and 3) advancing the understanding, inclusion, and promotion of cultural and linguistic considerations for SEL and/or B/MH for youth and families in schools and communities. Clinically, Dr. Schanding has expertise in working with individual with Autism Spectrum Disorders, social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties. He is also very interested in the school experiences of youth identifying as 2SLGBTQIA+.
Please visit the blog for the research lab at https://blogs.ubc.ca/smartlab to learn more about the lab, recent and current projects, and view profiles of student members.
Theoretical Orientation:
President’s Distinguished Faculty Research Award, University of Houston – Clear Lake, 2020
Group Teaching Excellence Award, University of Houston, 2011
Early Career Scholar, Society for the Study of School Psychology, 2009
The University of Southern Mississippi, 2006, PhD in School Psychology (APA Accredited)
The University of Southern Mississippi, 2004, MA Psychology
Western Kentucky University, 2001, BA Psychology
Gimenez-Zapiola, M., Pascuzzi, B., Bathla, S., Pollard, T., Schanding, G.T., Bistricky, S.L. (In press). Sexual orientation, mental health characteristics, and self-care in professional psychology training and employment. Journal of Bisexuality.
Short, M.B., Kaye, S., Knight, C., Riobueno-Naylor, A., Lai, B., Elkins, S.R., Schanding, G.T., & Bistricky, S.L. (In press). Parental influence on child mental health and resilience post-Hurricane Harvey. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-023-00554-w [Published online May 16, 2023]1
Keller-Margulis, M.A., Matta, M., Landry, L.N., Zopatti, K., Reid, E.K., & Schanding, G.T. (2023). A comparison of reading screeners for kindergartners: The Texas Primary Reading Inventory and Acadience Reading. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 48(3), 127-137. https://doi.org/10.1177/15345084221133559
Schanding, G.T., Strait, G.G., Morgan, V.R., Short, R.J., Enderwitz, M., Babu, J., & Templeton, M.A. (2023). Who’s included? Diversity, equity, and inclusion of students in the school psychology literature over the last decade. School Psychology Review, 52(4), 408-420. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2021.1927831
Turner, K.A., Elkins, S.R., Walther, C.A.P, Short, M.B., & Schanding, G.T. (2023). Too much of a good thing? Associations among parenting profiles and helicopter parenting. The Family Journal, 31(2), 296-307. https://doi.org/10.1177.106648072211235541
Landry, L.N., Keller-Margulis, M.A., Matta, M., Kim, H., Gonzalez, J.E., & Schanding, G.T. (2022). Long-term validity and diagnostic accuracy of kindergarten Acadience Reading with English learners. School Psychology Review, 51(4), 454-467. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2021.19841701
Gomez, M., Morgan, V., Schanding, G.T., & Cheramie, G.M. (2022). Due process case issues for students with emotional disturbance. Sage OPEN, 12(1). https://doi.org/10/1177/21582440221085274
o Hussain, H., Schanding, G.T., & Elkins, S.R., Short, M.B. (2021). The relationship between helicopter parenting and social emotional learning. Research and Practice in the Schools, 8(1), 10-23.1
Reid, E.K., Keller-Margulis, M.A., Schanding, G.T., & Tolar, T.D. (2019). Predicting kindergarten writing achievement using early written expression and behavior screening. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 35(3), 215-233.
Schanding, G.T., & Case, K.A. (2018). Masculine and feminine conformity in lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. Research and Practice in the Schools, 5(1), 9-18.
Nowell, K.P., Schanding, G.T., Kanne, S.M., & Goin-Kochel, R.P. (2015). Cognitive profiles in youth with autism spectrum disorder: An investigation of base rate. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45, 1978-1988. doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2356-71
Schanding, G.T. (2014). Academic and behavioral-emotional screenings to enhance prediction of statewide assessment scores in reading. Research and Practice in the Schools, 2(1), 21-30.
Wiesner, M., & Schanding, G.T. (2013). Exploratory structural equation modeling, bifactor models, and standard CFA models: Application to the BASC-2 BESS teacher report form. Journal of School Psychology, 51(6), 751-763. doi:10.1016/j.jsp.2013.09.001
Schanding, G.T., Nowell, K.P., Goin-Kochel, R.P. (2012). Utility of the Social Communication Questionnaire-Current and Social Responsiveness Scale as teacher-report screening tools for autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(8), 1705-1716. doi:10.1007/s10803-011-1412-9
Newell, M.L., Nastasi, B.K., Hatzichristou, C., Jones, J.M., Schanding, G.T., & Yetter, G.P. (2010). Evidence on multicultural training in school psychology: Recommendations for future directions. School Psychology Quarterly, 25(4), 249-278. doi:10.1037/a0021542
EPSE 506 Applied Psychopathology Across the Lifespan
EPSE 561 Laboratory Practicum (SACP MA Practicum)
EPSE 555 Academic & Social-Emotional Assessment
EPSE 634 Advanced Assessment School and Applied Child Psychology: Autism Spectrum Disorders
EPSE 661 Doctoral Practicum in School and Applied Child Psychology