Deputy Department Head
Associate Professor
Honour Certificates, Bogazici University, 2002
Outstanding International Graduate Student Award, College of Human Sciences, 2009
Distinguished Dissertation Award, Auburn University, 2010
Research Leadership Programme, University of Brighton, 2015
Bogazici University, 2002, BA (Hons) Educational Sciences
Bogazici University, 2004, MA Guidance & Psychological Counselling
Auburn University, 2010, PhD Human Development & Family Studies
Books and Book Chapters
Aydogan, D. & Eryigit-Madzwamuse, S. (2019). Okullarda yilmazligi guclendirme el kitabi: Tum okul yaklasimi (Building resilience in schools: A book on whole school approaches). Pegem Akademi Press, Ankara, Turkey.
Cameron, J., Wenger-Trayner, B., Hart, A., Buttery, L., Kourkoutas, E., Eryigit-Madzwamuse, S., & Rathbone, A. (2018). Community-university partnership research retreats: A productive force for developing communities of research practice. In: Banks, S., Hart, A., Pahl, K., Wald, P., eds. Co-producing Research. The Policy Press, University of Bristol.
Davies, C., Hart, A., Eryigit-Madzwamuse, S., et al. (2017). Communities of practice in community-university engagement: Supporting the development of co-productive resilience research and practice. In: McDonald, J. and Cater-Steel, A., eds. Communities of practice: facilitating social learning in higher education. Higher Education Dynamics. Springer, Singapore.
Hart, A., Psyllou, A., Eryigit-Madzwamuse, S., Heaver, B., Rathbone, A., Duncan, S., & Wigglesworth, P. (September, 2017) Young people with complex needs transition into work: A resilience perspective on policy initiatives towards employability in O’Reilly, J., Leschke, J., Ortlieb, R., Seeleib-Kaiser, M., Villa, P. (Ed.) Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.