If a student, with the approval of their supervisor, proposes to take an alternative course instead of one of the required HDLC courses, the student must contact an HDLC faculty member who is primarily responsible for teaching the required course in question. The student will need to provide the HDLC course instructor with a copy of the syllabus for the proposed equivalent course, or a detailed overview of the course should a syllabus not be available. If the course instructor deems the proposed course to be equivalent, the student will need to have his/her PGS form updated to reflect the change and both the course instructor and the Director of Graduate Programs will need to sign it, confirming that the course was determined to be equivalent. |
ECPS as a Department had agreed on principles for oral communication, written work, and social interaction. These emphasize non-sexist language, person first language, and specific ways of interacting with students with disabilities, as well as a common grading rubric and requirements for scholarship, such as proper reference to and use of the literature. You’ll see these noted in course outlines as well.Non-sexist Language Please incorporate and use non-sexist language [also called gender inclusive language] in your oral and written language. This language positions women and men equally, it does not exclude one gender or the other, nor does it demean the status of one gender or another. It does not stereotype genders [assuming all childcare workers are female and all police officers are male], nor does it use false generics [using mankind instead of human kind, or using man-made instead of hand crafted]. In addition, this language requires an attention to gender balance in personal pronouns, for example, use "he and she" rather than "he" or balance gendered examples in a paper, referring to both male and female examples. You may also recast subjects into the plural form, e.g., when a student raises his hand/when students raise their hands. Person First Language Students with Disabilities Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct
ECPS Grading policies can be found at: https://ecps-educ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2013/10/ECPS-Grades-for-Undergraduate-Graduate-Courses-May-07.pdf Please see ECPS Policies and procedures for further information:https://ecps.educ.ubc.ca/internal/policies-procedures |
The University of British Columbia is committed to providing its employees and students with the best possible environment for working and learning, an environment that allows friendship and collegiality to flourish. Every student and member of faculty and staff at the University of British Columbia has the right to study and work in an environment free from discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. The University therefore does not condone discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, of any kind. Indeed, the University regards discrimination and harassment as serious offences that are subject to a wide range of disciplinary measures, including dismissal or expulsion from the University. The University and all members of the University community share responsibility for ensuring that the work and study environment at UBC is free from discrimination and harassment including sexual harassment and all grounds protected by the B.C. Human Rights Act. The University of British Columbia has also established a program of employment equity to provide a fair and equitable workplace and to offer all individuals full opportunity to develop their potential. Accordingly, the University will identify and eliminate any discriminatory barriers that interfere with employment opportunities in all jobs and at all levels throughout the University. Both current and prospective faculty and staff will receive equitable treatment in hiring, training, and promotion procedures. The fundamental consideration for recruitment and retention of faculty and staff at the University of British Columbia is individual achievement and merit. Consistent with this principle, the University will advance the interests of women, native people, persons with disabilities, and visible minorities, ensure that equal opportunity is afforded to all who seek employment at the University, and treat equitably all faculty and staff. More information and specific policies can be found at: https://equity.ubc.ca/how-we-can-help/policies. |
UBC Policy on Discrimination and Harassment
The University of British Columbia has responsibility for and is committed to providing its students, staff and faculty with an environment dedicated to excellence, equity and mutual respect; one that is free of Discrimination and Harassment; and one in which the ability to freely work, live, examine, question, teach, learn, comment and criticize is protected. Academic Freedom and freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression carries with it the expectation that all Members of the University Community will conduct themselves in a responsible manner so as not to cause, condone or participate in the Discrimination or Harassment of another person or group of persons. The University’s commitment to maintaining and respecting human rights at every level of the institution is central to this Policy.
The fundamental objectives of this Policy are to prevent Discrimination and Harassment on grounds protected by the B.C. Human Rights Code, and to provide procedures for handling complaints, remedying situations, and imposing discipline when such Discrimination or Harassment does occur. Concerns regarding discrimination or harassment that do not involve any of the grounds prohibited by the B.C. Human Rights Code are not covered by this Policy. Such concerns may be addressed by other University policies or procedures, including the UBC Statement on Respectful Environment for Students, Faculty and Staff, collective agreements, employee handbooks, and student codes of conduct, and should be taken to the appropriate Administrative Head of Unit, student or employee association, union or human resources office.
For further information about UBC's procedures for handling complaints of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment.
• Read UBC's Policy #3 on Discrimination and Harassment:
o http://universitycounsel.ubc.ca/files/2013/08/policy3.pdf
o https://students.ubc.ca/campus-life/diversity-campus/discrimination-harassment
• Phone the Equity Office (822-6353) to make an appointment with an Equity Advisor. More information on the Equity Office can be found at: http://equity.ubc.ca
UBC Statement on Respectful Environment for Students, Faculty, and Staff
The University of British Columbia envisions a climate in which students, faculty and staff are provided with the best possible conditions for learning, researching and working, including an environment that is dedicated to excellence, equity and mutual respect. The University of British Columbia strives to realize this vision by establishing employment and educational practices that respect the dignity of individuals and make it possible for everyone to live, work, and study in a positive and supportive environment, free from harmful behaviours such as bullying and harassment. Information and the full statement can be found at: http://www.hr.ubc.ca/respectful-environment
The Behavioral Sciences Review Board (BREB) of the University must approve the acceptability of all studies (including theses) that involve human subjects. This approval is required when any human being is subjected to experimental procedures or when an invasion of privacy may be involved (e.g., by examination of records, by interview, or by administration of a questionnaire). For graduate thesis research, the student's supervisor is the Principal Investigator and takes ultimate responsibility for the ethical conduct of the research. Students are named as co-investigators in the application to the Behavioural Research Ethics Board (BREB). https://ethics.research.ubc.ca Tri-Council Policy Statement – Second Edition (TCPS-2) Tutorial Graduate students involved in human subject research are required to complete the TCPS-2 Tutorial before an application is submitted to the BREB. Principal Investigators have overall responsibility for the ethical conduct of research projects. It is necessary for all Principal Investigators to be thoroughly familiar with the Tri-Council Policy Statement for the Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans- Second Edition (TCPS-2) when supervising graduate students. The aim of this requirement is to improve understanding of Tri-Council Policy Statement for the Ethical Conduct for Research involving Humans (TCPS-2) in the research community and, in particular, to ground junior researchers an appreciation of ethical principles and ethical conduct from the beginning of their careers. Another benefit may be that applications to the BREB will have fewer basic flaws than in the past. While students must complete the TCPS-2 before conducting their research they are encouraged to complete it during their first semester in the program.The TCPS-2 tutorial is free and can be completed in about two hours.TCPS-2 information document:http://www.pre.ethics.gc.ca/eng/policy-politique/initiatives/tcps2-eptc2/Default TCPS-2 tutorial:https://tcps2core.ca/welcome More can be found at: https://ethics.research.ubc.ca/behavioural-research-ethics/breb-guidance-notes/guidance-notes-behavioural-application. |
Students should be meeting regularly with Program Advisors and/or Research Supervisors, staying in touch by email, Skype, and/or having face to face meetings. If students do not seem to be making adequate academic progress, it might be best to begin recording notes for meetings so both student and Advisor can stay on track. Failure to submit the Annual Progress Report can result in blocking a student’s registration for the coming semester. As per the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements, every student in ECPS is required to submit an Annual Progress Report. This report is submitted to the student’s supervisor/advisor who reviews the report for performance and progress, and then submits the annual review to the Graduate Program Assistants so that it can be put in the student’s file. If progress on the report is deemed to be poor, the supervisor may choose to address the concerns alone, with assistance from the student’s program committee, or with select members from the program area. In some cases, when the student progress is not deemed satisfactory, the ECPS Director of Graduate Programs may become involved and will notify the student in writing and request a response from the student.PGS forms can be found at: https://ecps.educ.ubc.ca/human-development-learning-and-culture/hdlc-forms-and-resources/#program-of-graduate-studies-20-0. |