Marla Buchanan


Professor Emeritus


Office: Scarfe Library Block 280

Counselling Psychology

Royal Canadian Legion Professorship in Group Counselling and Trauma

Scholarly Interests:

Counsellor StressNarrative InquirySchool CounsellingTraumatic Stress

Theoretical Orientation:

Narrative epistemology and therapy

Courses Taught

EPSE 595

CNPS 504

CNPS 578 B

CNPS 579

CNPS 588

CNPS 598


University of Victoria

Research Projects

Women Into Healing, is a Vancouver Foundation Grant that will facilitate integration and community development of BC women who have recently left prison. The project engages women in a community-based participatory action research process as “peer researchers” to improve the health and quality of life of formerly incarcerated women. Women into Healing Newsletter, a Vancouver Foundation Grant to fund a newsletter to keep recently released women from BC Prisons up-to-date on the Women into Healing project. The newsletter will focus on assisting recently released incarcerated women with peer and community support and provide valuable information to assist them in job searches, housing, health care and health activities. CIHR: Doing Time: A time for incarcerated women to develop an action health strategy. The aim of this grant is to work with incarcerated and transitioning women to improve our understanding of factors that contribute to their physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological health in order to develop a community-based action health strategy that will support their re-integration into society. SSHRC: Secondary Traumatiziation in First Responders: A Critical ethnographic study of journalists and photojournalists’ experiences of witnessing the aftermath of traumatic events.

Royal Canadian Legion Professorship in Group Counselling and Trauma

Selected Publications

Keats, P. A., & Buchanan, M. J. (2009). Journalists’ and photojournalists’ suggestions for addressing the effects of traumatic stress. Journalism Practice, 3(2),

Keats, P. A., & Buchanan, M. J. (in press). Multiple effects from covering trauma in journalism: Exploring the challenges for Canadian Journalists. Behavioral Scientist, 30 pages.

Calam, B., Varcoe, C., & Buchanan, M. J. (in press). Report on The Rural Aboriginal Women’s Maternity Care Project. BC Centre for Excellence in Women’s Health.

Martin, R. E., Murphy, K., Hanson, D., Hemingway, C., Ramsden, V., Buxton, J., Granger-Brown, A., Condello, L., Buchanan, M. J., Espinosa, N., Edworthy, G., & Hislop, T. G. (in press). The development of participatory health research among incarcerated women in a Canadian prison. Annals of Family Medicine.

Logan, C., & Buchanan, M. J. (2008). Young women’s narratives of same-sex desire in adolescence. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 12(4), 473-500.

Poon, B. T., Jamieson, J. R., Buchanan, M. J., & Brown, D. K. (2008). Parent- screener discourse in a newborn hearing screening program: Implications for professional preparation and practice. Infants and Young Children, 21(2), 160-173.

Buchanan, M. J., Anderson, J. O., Uhlemann, M. R., & Horwitz, E. (2007). Secondary traumatic stress: an investigation of Canadian mental health workers. Traumatology, 12(4), 1-10.

Cortes, L., & Buchanan, M. J. (2007). The experiences of Colombian child soldiers from a resilience perspective. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 29, 43-55.

Bowers, M. J., & Buchanan, M. J. (2007). A group-based program of emotional recovery for younger women recovering from myocardial infarction. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 41(2), 77-90.

Al-Mashat, K., Amundson, N., Westwood., & Buchanan, M. (2006). Iraqi children’s war experiences: The psychological impact of “operation Iraqi Freedom.” International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 28(2),195-211.

Buchanan, M. J. (2006). The pain of helping: Psychological injury in the helping professions. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 40 (1), 59-60.