To ensure best room availability and flexibility, please allow >3 business days' notice prior to preferred date and time of reservation request. We respond to all room booking requests in the order in which they are received and within 2 business days of receiving the email request.
* Please note that the room has not been booked until you receive an email or phone notification. * Please be courteous to subsequent users of the facility by returning the venue to a 'normal' seating pattern and by removing all event materials (papers, catering trays, etc.). * Please inform us by email if your meeting time changes or is cancelled and reference the date, time, and room location of the reservation. Questions? Please email us!
ECPS Guidelines for Approval, Development, and Staffing of Online Courses
ECPS Guideline for Graduation
ECPS Guidelines for Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct
ECPS Guidelines for Staffing of Courses
ECPS Policy on Noted Scholars
ECPS Policy on Plagiarism
ECPS Policy on Student Employment
ECPS Procedure for Waiving Required Courses
UBC Graduate Student Guidance and Supervision
UBC MA Thesis and Research Procedures
UBC MEd Graduating Seminar and Portfolio
UBC Policy on Transfers, Leaves, and Extensions
UBC Policy on Visiting Scholars
UBC Procedure for Academic Appeals