The Department provides a number of opportunities for student employment, including graduate academic assistantships, graduate research assistantships, and graduate teaching assistantships. Employment in ECPS is meant to provide financial support, academic experience, and professional preparation for students. The Department is committed to equal access to and equity in providing employment opportunities to students; and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed or religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or other factors specified by law.
A student’s primary responsibility is to be academically successful, and employment should complement and not impede students’ academic work.
To qualify for employment in ECPS, a student must be full time.
A student employee serves only during the period for which s/he was hired. Employment during any period creates no expectancy of future employment. Student employees may be appointed for any portion of the academic year.
Students who are on leave may not be employed as a GAA, GRA or GTA.
Completing program requirements is a students’ highest priority and students may not be asked to work at times that conflict with those program requirements. Students may not work during their scheduled classes and may not be excused from class to work.
Student employees may be employed by more than one University department and in more than one capacity within ECPS, but a student’s total work hours may not exceed 20 hours per week and optimally should be no more than 12 hours per week. A student appointed as a GTA may be appointed to no more than one course per term or three courses across the academic year, and may not simultaneously hold other employment in the Department. These guidelines apply across the calendar year, including the summer term.
In cases where students have more than one appointment, the department and/or faculty will agree to a maximum number of hours that the student will work per week with the total number of hours from all positions not to exceed 20 hours/week.
Should it be necessary, a student employee will normally be provided with fifteen (15) calendar days’ written notice of termination, unless circumstances of unsatisfactory performance are of such a nature as to warrant immediate dismissal or unless an earlier termination date was specified at the time of hire. Reasons for termination include, but are not limited to: lack of work, lack of funding, poor attendance, unsatisfactory job performance, mistreatment or abuse of fellow employees, inappropriate conduct as defined in the student code.
Available GAA and GRA positions will be posted on our website for at least one week.
Complete the Information for Student Appointment form for GAA and GRA hires, and submit to Connie Choi.
Available GTA positions will be posted on our website normally for at least two weeks. Applications for GTA positions must include the Student Employment Work Schedule Agreement Form. The student will be responsible for having his/her supervisor and all employing faculty/Department sign the agreement and for returning it to the ECPS administrative office. The Department and/or faculty employer maintains the right to terminate employment if a student employee cannot meet their work commitments.
Annually, supervisors and program areas will review student work commitments in light of students’ progress toward degree completion.