Dr. Rahimi is a UBC alumna and a lecturer in the SACP program at the university. Having completed all her post-secondary education at UBC, she considers the campus her second home. Before becoming a lecturer, Dr. Rahimi gained valuable experience teaching numerous courses and supervising practicum students. As a first-generation Iranian immigrant, she deeply appreciates the experiences of immigrant families and children in Canada. She aims to integrate immigration issues and considerations into graduate school psychology programs. As a lecturer, Dr. Rahimi values a developmental and collaborative approach to graduate training and hopes to contribute to the UBC school psychology community by providing a constructionist and critical lens to the issues related to the field. In addition to her role as a lecturer, she also completes complex assessments at public and private clinics in the Greater Vancouver area. In her spare time, Dr. Rahimi enjoys participating in book clubs, bike riding, and spending time with her family.
Scholarly Interests:
- Immigrant families’ Lived Experiences
- Effective communication of assessment results
- Assessment of children with complex developmental and social-emotional conditions
- Family and school consultation
- Advocacy
- Systems-Level Change
- Program Evaluation
Theoretical Orientation:
- Constructionist/ Interpretivism
- Ecological
EPSE 556 Cognitive and Academic Practicum Assessment (Currently teaching)
EPSE 560 Laboratory in Cognitive and Academic Assessment
EPSE 561 MA Practicum in School and Applied Child Psychology
EPSE 661 Doctoral Practicum in School and Applied Child Psychology
EDUC 500 Research Methodology in Education
EPSE 421 Assessment of Learning Difficulties
Bedi, R. Rahimi, D. Lupasco, S. (in press). Early-Stage Program Evaluation of the Abbreviated Roots of Safety Program: A Brief Intervention for Immigrant/Refugee Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion
Bedi, R. Nagashima, S. Rahimi, D. (in press).Advisory Board Immigrant and Refugee Women Survivors’ Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion
Cote, E., Rahimi, D., Walker, P. (2023) Issues in Recruiting and Retaining School Psychologists in School Based Settings: Perspectives of Graduate Students and Early Career Psychologists in Canada. Psynopsis
Rahimi, D. & Dmyterko, J. (2019). Action Research in Educational Settings: Basic
Foundations and Applications. Educational and School Psychology section of the Canadian Psychological Association Spring Newsletter
Ghemraoui, A., Rahimi, D., Saqui, S. (2017). The fine line between cultural competence
and bias. Communique, National Association of School Psychologists