ProfessorAssociate Dean, Research
Not accepting any additional graduate students (MEd, MA, or PhD).
Human Development, Learning, and Culture
Dorothy Lam Chair in Special Education
Scholarly Interests:
Learning Disabilities, Motivation, Social Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, Sociocultural Theories, Teacher Development
- Metacognition, motivation, and self-regulated learning in elementary school children
- Social perspectives on teaching and learning, including social cognitive and sociocultural theories
- Teacher development
- Individual differences
- Learning disabilities
Dorothy Lam Chair in Special Education
EPSE 630 Advanced Seminar on Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
EPSE 606 College and University Teaching
EPSE 604A Culture and Youth
EPSE 586 Analyzing Discourse and Talk: An Overview of Methods
LLED 501 Analyzing Discourse and Talk: An Overview of Methods
EPSE 587 Analyzing Discourse in Education: Descriptive and Critical Approaches
LLED 502 Analyzing Discourse in Education: Descriptive and Critical Approaches
CCFI 572A Research Epistemology, Ontology, and Axiology: Disciplinary and Transdisciplinary Perspectives
EPSE 511 Play: A Cultural-Historical Life Course Perspective
EPSE 503 Cultural Perspectives on Learning, Development and Media
EPSE 501 Seminar in Human Development, Learning and Culture
University of Michigan
Social spaces in a flexible learning centre: Negotiating successful learning through participation
(with co-investigator Dale Murray)
Research in the literature across Australia and the US highlights the barriers to success in mainstream schools for some young people. This research captures the “positive thesis,” or what works for many youth excluded from schools, by building on an 18-month study of six educational outreach programs where young people re-engage in learning. Recommendations and a model of flexible learning centers, including principles for operation and governance, leadership and staffing, professional development, and four curriculum strands, is being generated.
Funded by the Queensland Catholic Education Commission, Brisbane Australia.
Woolfolk, A. & Perry, N. E. (2015). Child and adolescent development (2nd Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education. [1st ed., 2012]
Woolfolk, A. E., Winne, P. H., & Perry, N. E. (2015). Educational Psychology (Canadian 6th Ed.). Prentice HalI/Allyn and Bacon Canada. [5th Canadian ed., 2012; 4th Canadian ed., 2009; 3rd Canadian ed., 2006; 2nd Canadian ed., 2003; 1st Canadian ed., 2000]
Perry, N. E., Brenner, C. A., & Fusaro, N. (2015). Closing the gap between theory and practice in self-regulated learning: Teacher learning teams as a framework for enhancing self-regulated teaching and learning. In T. J. Cleary (Ed.) Self-regulated learning interventions with at risk populations: Academic, mental health, and contextual considerations (pp. 229-250). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Perry, N. E. (2013). Classroom processes that support self-regulation in young children [Monograph]. British Journal of Educational Psychology, Monograph Series II: Psychological Aspects of Education—Current Trends, 10, 45-68..
Perry, N. E. & Winne, P. H. (2013). Tracing Self- and Co-Regulation of Learning in Events and Activities. In M. Vaurus & S. Volet (Eds.), Interpersonal Regulation of Learning and Motivation: Methodological Advances. Pergamon Press.
Winne, P. H., Hadwin, A. F., & Perry, N. E. (2013). Metacognition and computer-supported collaborative learning. In C. Hmelo-Silver, A. O’Donnell, C. Chan, & C. Chinn (Eds.), International handbook of collaborative learning, Vol. on Metacognition and CSCL. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Perry, N. E. & Rahim, A. (2011). Studying self-regulated learning in classrooms. In B. J. Zimmerman & D. H. Schunk (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance (pp. 122-136). New York: Routledge.
Perry, N. E., Thauberger, C., & Hutchinson, L. R., (2010). gStudy traces of children’s self-regulated learning in the Lifecycles Learning Kit. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 52, 432-453.
Teacher Motivation
Collie, R.J., Shapka, J.D., Perry, N.E., & Martin, A.J. (In press). Teacher well-being: Exploring its components and a practice-oriented scale. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.
Perry, N. E., Hofer, G., Collie, R. J. & Brenner, C. A. (2015). Thriving on challenge: Examining teachers’ view on sources of support for motivation and well-being. Exceptionality Education International, 25, 6-34.
Collie, R. J., Shapka, J. D., Perry, N. E. (2012). Social and emotional learning and school climate: Predicting teacher stress, job satisfaction, and efficacy. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, 1189-1204.
Klassen, R. M., Perry, N. E., Frenzel, A. C. (2012). Teachers’ relatedness with students: An underemphasized component of teachers’ basic psychological needs. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, 150-165.
Collie, R. J., Shapka, J. D., Perry, N. E. (2011). Predicting teacher commitment: The impact of school climate and social-emotional learning. Psychology in the Schools, 48, 1034-1048.
Learning Disabilities
Hutchinson, N. R. & Perry, N. E. (Eds.). (2015). Supporting at-risk learners: Applications of educational psychology in Canadian contexts [Special Issue]. Exceptionality Education International, 25(1).
McQuarrie, M., Siegel, L., Perry, N., & Weinberg, J. (2015). Reactivity to stress and the cognitive Components of math disability in grade 1 children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47, 349-365.
Seeding Success Through Motivation and Self-Regulation in Schools
Canadian Consortium for Self-Regulated Learning
Changing Results for Young Readers
SRL Inquiry Hub Summer Institute