PSCTC Professional Development Workshop: Writing Effective, User-Friendly Assessment Reports

Workshop Flyer

Date: Monday, February 7th
Time: 4:30 – 6:00pm PST
Platform: UBC Zoom (the link will be emailed to registered participants)

The Psychological Services & Counselling Training Centre (PSCTC) at the University of British Columbia is excited to host a panel featuring Drs. Kallista Bell, Kimberley DaSilva, Laurie Ford, and Roberta Borgen on the topic of writing effective, user-friendly assessment reports

Panelists, two registered psychologists, a certified school psychologist, and a certified counsellor, will draw from their diverse professional backgrounds and experiences to offer insights on the following skills for assessment report writing:

– Matching assessment tools to your referral question
– Focusing your results to address the purpose of the assessment
– Integrating results and producing effective summaries
– Locating reports within both contextual settings and conceptual frameworks
– Producing a report that is accessible and useful for families and schools
– Creating reports and recommendations that are readable and actionable
– Embedding cultural considerations and approaches in report writing

This workshop is approved by CCPA to qualify for Continuing Education Credits.

The PSCTC is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. The PSCTC maintains responsibility for the program.

All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

This workshop has a cost of $10 for students and $25 for faculty, staff and community members. There is no cost to attend for practicum students directly supervised by a psychologist affiliated with the PSCTC.