Professor Emeritus
Associate Member, Faculty of Medicine
Registered Psychologist (Limited Register)
University of Alberta
Marvin “Marv” Westwood is Professor Emeritus of Counselling Psychology, in Educational & Counselling Psychology, and Special Education at the University of British Columbia. He currently has a post-retirement appointment to the Faculty of Education. His major areas of teaching and research focused on development, teaching and delivery of group-based approaches for counselling clients, and men’s psychological health. He developed the UBC Veterans Transition Program to help promote recovery from war related stress injuries for which he received both the Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee Medals in 2005 and 2013. In 2012 he established the Centre for Group Counselling and Trauma (currently he’s Senior Consultant to the Centre).
Teaching & Professional Background:
Group Based Counselling and Therapeutic Models
Scholarly Interests:
Consultation and Interventions, Group Counselling, Interventions, Psychotherapy, Therapeutic Enactment, Trauma, Trauma Recovery
Royal Canadian Legion Professorship in Group Counselling and Trauma , 2012
Selected Publications:
Westwood, M.J. & Wilensky, P. (2005) Therapeutic enactment: Restoring vitality through trauma repair in groups. Group Action Press.
Borgen, W.A., Pollard, D., Amundson, N., & Westwood, M. (1989). Employment groups: The counselling connection. Toronto: Lugus Press. (281 pages).
Cox, D. W., Westwood, M. J., Hoover, S. M., Chan, E. K. H., Kivari, C. A., Dadson, M. R., & Zumbo, B. D. (2014). The evaluation of a group intervention for veterans who experienced military-related trauma. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 64(3).
Cox, D., Black, T., Westwood, M., & Chan, E. (2013). Transition focused treatment: An uncontrolled study of a group program for veterans. In Aiken, B. & Belanger, A. (Eds.). Beyond the line: military and veteran health (p,281 – 290). McGill – Queen’s University Press.
Chlebak, C. M., James, S., Westwood, M. J., Zumbo, B. D., & Shapiro, S.L. (2013). Mindfulness Meditation & Gratitude Journalling: The Experiences of Graduate Counselling Psychology Students. Counselling and Spirituality, 32(2), 59-79.
Westwood, M. & Ewasiw, J. (2011). Integrating Narrative and Action Processes in Group Counseling Practice: A Multidimensional Approach for Helping Clients. Journal for Specialists in Group Work.
Westwood, M., Kuhl, D., & Shields, D. (2011). Counseling Active Military Personnel, Veterans and their Families In. Multicultural Issues in Counseling: New Approaches to Diversity (Fourth Edition). Sage Publications.
Westwood, M., McLean, H., Cave, D., Borgen, W. & Slakov, P. (2010). Coming home: A group-based approach for assisting Canadian military veterans in transition. Journal for Specialists In Group Work, 35(1), 44-68.
Westwood, M. J. (2009) The Veterans’ Transition Program — Therapeutic Enactment in Action. Educational Insights, 13(2).
Harrison, R. & Westwood, M. (2009). Preventing vicarious traumatization of mental health therapists: Identifying protective practices. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice and Training. Vol 46(2), 203-219.
Black, T.G., Westwood, M.J. & Sorsdahl, M.N. (2007). From the front line to the front of the class: Counseling students who are military veterans. Chapter 1, in J. Lippincott & R.B. Lippincott (Eds.), Special Populations in College Student Counseling: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals. Alexandria, VA: American Counselling Association
Al-Mashat, K., Amundson, N., Westwood, M., Buchanan, M. (2006). Iraqi Children’s War Experiences: The Psychological Impact of “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 28 (2), 195-211.
Westwood, M.J., Keats, P. & Wilensky, P. (2003). Therapeutic enactment: Integrating the individual and group counselling models for change. Journal For Specialists In Group Work. 28, 2, 122-138.
Westwood, M. J., Black, T. & McLean, H.(2002) A re-entry program for peacekeeping soldiers: Promoting personal and career transitions. Canadian Journal of Counselling. 36, 221-231.
Shaw, M. & Westwood, M. (2002). Transformative Learning and Autobiographical Life Review: The Canadian War Veterans Life Review Project. In J. Webster, Life Review Method: Theory and Practice. Springer Publishing Co.
Kuhl, D.R., Calam, B., & Westwood, M.J. (2001). Discussing “code status” in hospital: A workshop for first year residents. “In Progress” reports of New Approaches in Medical Education. Academic Medicine.
Kuhl, D. & Westwood, M.J. (2001). A Narrative Approach to Integration and Healing Among the Terminally Ill. In Narrative Gerontology: Theory, Research & Practice. Springer Publishing Co.
Mak, A. S., Westwood, M. J., Ishiyama, I., & Barker. M. (2000). The sociocultural competencies for success among international students: The Excell Program. Journal of International Education, 9, 33-38.
Westwood, M. J., Mak, A., Barker, M. & Ishiyama, I. (2000) Group procedures and applications for developing sociocultural competencies among immigrants. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. 22, 317-330.
Shaw, M., Westwood, M. J., & DeVries, B. (1999). Life review and guided autobiography: Integrating reflection and group based enactments. Journal of Aging Studies, 13, 109-113
Theoretical Orientation:
Relational neuroscience and group theory
Research Projects:
Group Based Therapeutic Enactment
Group Counselling & Psychotherapy
Counselling Older Adults
Integrated Applied Programs of Counselling Psychology and Medicine
Trauma Repair Interventions
Insights 2014 Movember Award
Marv Westwood describes and outlines the Veterans’ Transition Program
Veterans Transition Program Australia
Courses Taught:
CNPS 564 Group Counselling
CNPS 566 Advanced Study in Group Counselling
CNPS 578B Individual and Family Counselling Theories and Interventions
CNPS 678A Theoretical Perspectives in Counselling Psychology
CNPS 688 Supervision of Counselling Practice