Professor Chair of the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program
Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program – 2357 Main Mall, Office 270
Barbara Weber is an associate Professor and Chair of the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) at the University of British Columbia. She is also a member of the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and an Adjunct Professor in the Philosophy Department. Before her arrival at UBC, she held the Professorship for Civic Engagement and Values Education at the Philosophy Department at the University of Regensburg. She has a background in philosophy, political theory, psychology, education and performance art.
Scholarly Interests:
Embodiment and Public Space, Ethics, Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism and Recognition, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, Philosophy for Children, Social Justice
Barbara Weber engages with phenomenological and hermeneutic theories in order to rethink the relationship between embodiment, empathy, reason (Vernunft), and the political space, which has led to a radically different understanding of the cultivation of a global public space and Human Rights Philosophies (Weber, 2013 ).
In her works on hermeneutic and phenomenological theories around natality, she understands childhood as an existential state of being human (Kohan & Weber 2020). The goal of education is no longer the “exodus from childhood.” Instead, education is seen as the possibility to respond to the arrival of a new human being dialogically. The experience of natality is not chronologically determined but could happen at any time in life. This dialogical understanding of childhood and natality might allow us to “liquify” stagnate concepts around the experience of time, embodiment, and thinking. Being in the world becomes a dialogical adventure that is “underway” through understanding (im Verstehen unterwegs sein).
Weber has worked as a performance artist, choreographer, and dancer of ballet, German expressionist dance, Bharatanatyam, and Butoh. Her performance works combined poetry and philosophical aphorisms with embodied “answers” conveyed through the dancer’s movements, starting a bodily conversation around existential states of being in the world and what it means to have fallen into time and space.
Theoretical Orientation:
Frankfurter Schule
Oct. 2009 – Jan. 2011 Habilitation Fellowship (HWP), University of Regensburg
Jan. 2008 – Oct. 2009 Habilitation Fellowship, Fazit-Foundation
Apr. 2006 – Dec. 2007 Habilitation Fellowship (HWP), University of Regensburg
July 2005 – Apr. 2006 Postdoctoral-Fellowship, University of Regensburg
Honorary Professorship: International Institute for Hermeneutics December, 2021
Hermes Book Awards December, 2021
Engaged Philosophical Inquiry Consortium (EPIC)
The Engaged Philosophical Inquiry Consortium connects scholars, practitioners, students and everyone interested in this inquiry based pedagogy.
More specifically, it is a way of facilitating a democratic and open-ended dialogue between children, youth and adults around bigger and smaller questions about life, knowledge, value, and meaning. Example questions of children are: “Why does it take so long to make good friends, but so short to make enemies?”, “What is pure happiness?”, ”Why am I human?”, or ”Why was I born and what is my purpose in life?” This long established inquiry-based way of teaching can be used in various settings: in school, at home, in public, etc. It encourages people of all ages to read, listen, think critically, feel deeply,. see things from multiple perspectives, and develop social responsibility.
The EPIC offers and helps organize:
- To promote EPI in schools and other educational environments
- Professional development and workshops
- Graduate courses
- Research projects
- Summer camps for children
- Increase the variety of methods and practices in EPI
- Bring philosophy as teachable subject (Minor) into high schools
- Collect resources: scholarly articles as well as resources for teachers and practitioners
- Connect with other EPI initiatives across Canada
- Organize regular national symposia and international conferences
- Helping and teaching each other to become better facilitators
EPSE 501 Human Development, Learning and Culture
EPSE 308 Human Development, Learning and Diversity
EPSE 565 Engaged Philosophical Inquiry in Education
EPSE 604 Phenomenology
EPSE 606 University and College Teaching
Habilitation: Tenure at the University of Regensburg; Department of Political Philosophy, 2011, Professor
Ph.D. : Ludwig-Maximillian University (LMU), Munich, Departments of Education, Philosophy, Social Psychology, 2003, PhD
Currently there are 2 international research publication projects:
- Subject, identity, and care: Educational (Dis)closures. This anthology will be published with Brill/Fink Publisher in 2023. Research project together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Andrew Wiercinski and Klaudia Wec.
- Paradigms of post-foundational phenomenology. This anthology will be published with Springer Publisher in 2023. Research project together with PD Dr. Michael Staudigl and Prof. Dr. Karel Novotny.
- Hermeneutics of Architecture. Research project with Prof. Dr. Dr. Andrew Wiercinski and Prof. Dr. Luis Umbelino.
Graduate students are involved in planning and editing work of all research projects.
(a) Single-Authored (peer-reviewed)
- Weber, B. (2013). Zwischen Vernunft und Mitgefühl: Jürgen Habermas und Richard Rorty im Dialog über Wahrheit, politische Kultur und Menschenrechte [Between rationality and sympathy: Jürgen Habermas and Richard Rorty on human rights, political culture and truth],Freiburg, Germany, Alber Publisher (324 pages). (Won the Hermes Award for best book of the year 2013) *, **
- Weber, B. (2013). Vernunft, Mitgefühl und Körperlichkeit: Eine phänomenologische Rekonstruktion des politischen Raumes [Reason, empathy and embodiment: Towards a phenomenological reconstruction of public space], Freiburg, Germany: Alber Publisher (226 pages). (Won the Hermes Award for best book of the year 2013) *, **
- Weber, B. (2013). Philosophieren mit Kindern zum Thema Menschenrechte: Vernunft und Mitgefühl als Grundvoraussetzungen einer demokratischen Dialogkultur [Philosophizing with children about human rights: Rationality and empathy as preconditions for a democratic dialogue culture], Freiburg, Germany, Alber Publisher (258 pages) *
- Weber, B. (2003). Leib-Erleben und Körperwahrnehmung als Faktoren beruflicher Professionalität. Leibphänomenologische Theoreme der französischen Intersubjektivitätsphilosophie (J.-P. Sartre, M. Merleau-Ponty, E. Lévinas) in kritischer Diskussion mit den Frankfurter Körperkonzeptskalen (FKKS) [The influence of body perception on the development of communication skills in teachers. Phenomenological theorems of french phenomenology (Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Lévinas) in a critical discussion with the body-concept-scales (FKKS)], Regensburg, Germany, Roderer Publisher (330 pages).
(b) Edited Books
- Weber, B., Węc, K., & Wierciński, A. (Eds.). (Forthcoming Spring 2023). Subject, identity, and care: Educational (Dis)closures.Brill/Fink Publisher.*
- Staudigl, M., Novotny, K., & Weber, B. (Eds.) (Forthcoming Fall 2022). Paradigms of post-foundational phenomenology. Springer Publisher.*
- Kohan, W., & Weber, B. (Eds.). (2020). Thinking, childhood and time: Contemporary perspective on the politics of education. Rowman & Littlefield Publisher. *
- Marsal, E., Weber, B., & Gardner, S.T. (Eds.). (2013). Respect: How do we get there? A Philosophical Inquiry. Lit Publisher (184 pages).*
- Herb, K., Glaser, J., Weber, B., Marsal, E., & Dobashi, T. (Eds.). (2013). Narratives, dreams and imaginations: Israeli and German youth imagine the future. Lit Publisher (208 pages).* (supported by DFG grant) *
- Weber, B., Herb, K., Marsal, E., Dobashi, T., & Schweitzer, P. (Eds.). (2011). Cultural politics and identity: Towards a public space of recognition. Lit Publisher (256 pages).*
- Weber, B., Marsal, E., & Dobashi, T. (Eds.). (2011). The politics of empathy: New interdisciplinary perspectives on an ancient phenomenon.Lit Publisher (144 pages).*
- Marsal, E., Dobashi, T., & Weber, B. (Eds.). (2009). Children philosophize worldwide: International theories and practical concepts. Peter Lang Publisher (683 pages). (supported by DFG grant) *
- Marsal, E., Dobashi, T., Weber, B., & Lund, F.G. (Eds). (2007), Ethische Reflexionskompetenz im Grundschulalter: Konzepte des Philosophierens mit Kindern [Ethical and critical thinking in elementary school children: Concepts of philosophizing with children]. Peter Lang Publisher (448 pages). (supported by DFG grant) *
- Weber, B., Stalla, B., & Merkel-Trinkwalder, P. (Eds.). (2005). Phänomenologische Dimensionen der Bildungsanthropologie: Interdisziplinäre Forschungsbeiträge im Fokus ethischer Verantwortlichkeit [Phenomenological dimensions of education: Interdisciplinary research projects with a focus on ethical responsibility]. Roderer Publisher (334 pages).
(c) Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
- Weber, B. (accepted, forthcoming 2023). St. Augustine on desire, knowledge and learning. In B. Weber, K. Węc & A. Wierciński (Eds.), Subject, identity, and care: Educational (dis)closures.Brill/Fink Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (accepted, forthcoming 2022). Embodiment, alterity and recognition: Towards a deepening of the public space. In M. S. Portocarrero, L. Umbelino & A. Wiercinski (Eds.), Conviction: Finitude, freedom, and the hermeneutics of selfhood. Brill/Fink Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (accepted, forthcoming 2022). Another beginning. In M. Staudigl, K. Novotny & B. Weber (Eds.), Paradigms of post-foundational phenomenology. Springer Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2022). Wahrheit, politische Kultur und Menschenrechte [Truth, political culture and human rights]. In H. Reinalter (Ed.), Menschenwuerde, Menschenrechte und Menschenpflichten heute (pp. 131-150). Lit Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2022). “Cirque du Soleil“ – Menschenrechtsbildung mit Kindern [Human rights education with children]. In S. Bliemetsrieder & G. Fischer (Eds.), Erinnern, Bildung, Menschenrechte – Zugänge zur Feschichte sozialer Arbeit (pp. 233-246). Springer Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2022). Over a cup of ideas: John Dewey and Jürgen Habermas on the role of philosophy in the public. In M. Picard (Ed.), Democracy and dialogue in public spaces. Anvil Press Publisher.
- Weber, B. (2022). Die liberale Ironikerin als politische Intellektuelle [The liberal ironic as political intellectual]. In M. Mueller (Ed.), Richard Rorty Handbuch. Wiesbaden: Springer Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2020). Child and time: A phenomenological journey into the human conditions of education. In W. Kohan & B. Weber (Eds.),Thinking, childhood, and time: Contemporary perspective on the politics of education (pp. 31-50). Rowman & Littlefield.*
Translated into Italian and Reprinted in:
Weber, B. (2022). Child and time: A phenomenological journey into the human conditions of education. In A. Caputo (Ed). Logoi. Journal of Philosophy. Anno VIII, N.19, (2), 353-367.
- Weber, B. (2019). On dreaming. In F. Tatschner (Ed.), Critical terms in futures studies (pp. 105-111). NYU Press.*
- Weber, B. (2018). The chiasmatic metropolis: Merleau-Ponty’s invisible as a source of inspiration for artistic creativity. In K. Korhonen, A. Haapala, K. Klockars & S. Heinämaa (Eds.), Chiasmatic Encounters (pp. 15-25). Rowmann & Littlefeld Publishers.*
- Weber, B. (2018). From having a body to being embodied: Phenomenological theories on embodiment by Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Jean-Paul Sartre. In H. L. McBride & J. K. Kwee (Eds.), Embodiment and eating disorders: Theory, research, prevention, and treatment (pp. 53-75). New York: Francis & Taylor Publisher.*
- Weber, B. & Wolf, A. (2016). Questioning the question: How to cultivate philosophical questioning in a community of inquiry. In M. Gregory, J. Haynes & K. Murris (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of philosophy for children (pp. 74-82). Routledge Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2016). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Einbeziehung des Anderen: Eine pädagogische Fußnote zu Jürgen Habermas’ Konzept der “kommunikativen Vernunft” [Possibilities and limitations of including the other: a pedagogical footnote to Juergen Habermas’ concept of communicative rationality]. In M.-A. Bäuml-Roßnagl, S. Berner, S.T. Bliemetsrieder, M. Molitor & H. Motschmann (Eds.), Inklusion im interdisziplinären Diskurs (pp. 191-213). Utz Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2015). Philosopher, une activité et un art de vivre ? Sur le concept de philosophie dans la philosophie avec des enfants (J.F. Goubet, Trans.). In G. F. Goubet & E. Marsal (Eds.), Philosopher avec des enfants, une discipline nouvelle? (pp. 122-134). Lit Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2015). Im Zwischenbereich von Leib und Körper: Versuch einer phänomenologischen Re-konstitution des öffentlichen Raumes [Between the objective and subjective body: Towards a phenomenological reconstruction of the public space]. In T. Bedorf & T. Klass (Eds.), Leib – Körper – Politik: Untersuchungen zur Leiblichkeit des Politischen (pp. 143-158). Veilbrueck Publisher.
- Weber, B. (2014). ‘To tolerate means to insult’ (J. W. v. Goethe): Towards a social practice of recognition. In M. Zirk-Sadowski, B. Wojciechowski & K. M. Cern (Eds.), Towards recognition of minority groups: Legal and Communication Strategies (pp. 245-256). Ashgate Publisher.*
Reprinted in:
Weber, B. (2014) ‘To tolerate means to insult’ (J. W. v. Goethe): Towards a social practice of recognition. In E. Marsal, B. Weber & S. T. Gardner (Eds.), Respect: How do we get there? A philosophical inquiry (pp. 47-57). Lit Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2013). Menschenwürde und Pragmatismus [Human dignity and American pragmatism]. In R. Gröschner, A. Kapust & O. W. Lembcke (Eds.), Wörterbuch der würde (pp. 221-224). UTB Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2013). Embarking into the future: How to dream our visions into reality. In K. Herb, B. Weber, E. Marsal & J. Glaser (Eds.), Narratives, dreams and imaginations: Israeli and German youth imagine the future (pp. 15-33). Lit Publisher.* (supported by DFG grant)
- Weber, B. (2013). Between rationality (Habermas) and sympathy (Rorty): Two pragmatic perspectives on human rights. In B. Wojciechowsk, Piotr, W. Juchacz & K. M. Cern (Eds.), Legal rules, moral norms and democratic principles (pp. 111-133). Peter Lang Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2012). Raumzeiten und Zeitraeume [Spacetime and timespace]. In F. Hoerauf (Ed.), Gemaelde Zeichungen, Plastiken, Architektur (pp. 35-38). Hirmer Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2011). Emmanuel Lévinas and the problem of mutual recognition or: The consumer society and its fears. In B. Weber, K. Herb, E. Marsal, T. Dobashi & P. Schweitzer (Eds.), Cultural politics and identity: The public space of recognition (pp. 17-29). Lit Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2011). Toward a democratic culture of philosophical discourse: Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics as the fundament for intergenerational dialogue. In A. Wiercinski (Ed.), Gadamer’s hermeneutics and the art of conversation (pp. 127-157). Lit Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2010). Sympathy instead of rationality: Richard Rorty and the reconstruction of public space. In B. Weber, E. Marsal & T. Dobashi (Eds.), The politics of empathy: New interdisciplinary perspectives on an ancient phenomenon (pp. 17-28). Lit Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2010). Sand und Zeit: Phänomenologisch-poetische Assoziationen [Sand and time: Some poetic-phenomenological thoughts]. In M.-A. Bäuml-Roßnagl (Ed.), Bildungsethik als Bildungskunst (pp. 138-143). Herbert Utz Verlag.
- Weber, B. (2009). Community of inquiry: Filozofowanie z dziecmi jako nauka zachovan demokratycznych (E. Nowak, Trans.). In K. M. Cern, P. W. Juchacz & E. Nowak (Eds.), Edukacja demokratyczna (pp. 77-101). Poznan Series: Internationale Studien zur Philosophie und Psychologie des Demokratischen Lebens (International Studies on Philosophy and the Psychology of Democratic Life). Co Obera Publisher.
- Weber, B. (2009). Hans-Georg Gadamer and the art of understanding: Towards a hermeneutic community of inquiry in the classroom. In E. Marsal, T. Dobashi & B. Weber (Eds.), Children philosophize worldwide: Theoretical and practical concepts (pp. 307-323). Peter Lang Publisher.*
- Herb, K., & Weber, B. (2008). Philosophie im Alltag: Profile, Projekte, Perspektiven [Everyday philosophy: Profiles, projects, and perspectives]. In UNESCO (Ed.), Philosophie – eine schule der Freiheit: Philosophieren mit Kindern weltweit und in Deutschland [Philosophy as a school for freedom. Philosophy for children worldwide and within Germany] (pp. 128-131). Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission.
- Weber, B. (2007). Ethisches Lernen in Zeiten des Wertepluralismus [Ethical learning in times of value pluralism]. In E. Marsal, T. Dobashi, B. Weber & F. Lund (Eds.), Ethische Reflexionskompetenz im Grundschulalter: Konzepte des Philosophierens mit Kindern (pp. 202-220).Peter Lang Publisher.*
Reprinted in:
Weber, B. (2009). Ethical learning in times of value pluralism: The desire for wisdom as a red thread in the postmodern labyrinth of values. In E. Marsal, T. Dobashi & B. Weber (Eds.), Children philosophize worldwide: Theoretical and practical concepts (pp. 89-103). Peter Lang Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2007). Vorschläge für den Ethikunterricht: Zur Vorbereitung einer Unterrichtseinheit [Suggestions for an ‘ethics’ curriculum: Guidelines to develop a p4c lesson for children]. In E. Marsal, T. Dobashi, B. Weber & F. Lund (Eds.), Reflexionskompetenz unterrichten: Nationale und internationale Konzepte [Ethical and critical thinking in young children] (pp. 120-132). Peter Lang Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2007). Lernen aus der Zukunft: Der Moment des Unvorhersehbaren in der Forschung [Learning from the future: The notion of the surprise in education]. In R. Girg, U. Lichtinger & T. Müller (Eds.), Integrale pädagogik [Integral pedagogy] (pp. 23-37). Roderer Verlag.
- Weber, B. (2007). ‘Die Ungewissheit des Lebens’: Philosophische Kindergeschichte mit Anleitung fur den Unterricht [The uncertainty of life: A philosophical story for children with a manual for teachers]. In E. Marsal, T. Dobashi, B. Weber & F. Lund (Eds.), Ethische Reflexionskompetenz im Grundschulalter: Konzepte des Philosophierens mit Kindern [Ethical and critical thinking in elementary school children: Concepts of philosophizing with children] (pp. 239-245). Peter Lang Publisher.*
- Weber, B. (2005). Begegnung im Augenblick: Dialogphilosophische Ansätze zu den Chiasmen der Lebenswege von Kind und Pädagogen bei Schaeffler, Buber, Rosenzweig und Arendt [Encounter in the moment between children and educators: Schäffler, Buber, Rosenzweig and Arendt]. In B. Weber, B. Stalla & P. Merkel-Trinkwalder (Eds.), Phänomenologische Dimensionen der Bildungsanthropologie: Interdisziplinäre Forschungsbeiträge im Fokus ethischer Verantwortlichkeit [Phenomenological dimensions of an educational anthropology: Interdisciplinary research in the perspective of ethically responsible teaching] (pp. 211-26). Roderer Publisher.
- Weber, B. (2005). Phänomenologische Ansätze zum Chiasmus der Lebenswege zwischen Pädagoge und Kind [Phenomenological theories about the chiasma of ‘lifepaths’ between the child and the pedagogue]. In B. Stall & J. Dichtl (Eds.), Vernetztes denken [Cross-linked thinking] (pp. 15-28). Garnies Publishers.
(a) Edited Journals (Guest Editor for Special Edition)
- Weber, B., & Vadeboncoeur, J. (Eds.). (2015). Engaged philosophical Inquiry [Special issue]. Mind, Culture, Activity Journal: An International Journal Taylor & Francis Publisher, 22(4), 281-416.
- Weber, B. (Ed.). (2008). Philosophy for Children in Germany. Thinking: The Journal for Philosophy for Children, 18(4), 1-55.
(b) Refereed Journal Articles
- Weber, B. (accepted, forthcoming 2022). Understanding Children: Cultivating children’s rights with instead of for children. Analecta Hermeneutica, Volume 14. ISSN 1918-7351. https://www.iih-org/_files/ugd/f67e0f_84b7ade5cf424bc695db4d8c9535c206.pdf
- Asgari, M., Whitehead, J., Schonert-Reichl, K., & Weber, B. (reviewed, edited and re-submitted, forthcoming 2022). Engaged inquiry with children: Fostering empathy and perspective-taking. Philosophy in Schools Journal (Supported by SSHRC grant).
- Weber, B., & Asgari, M. (2021). Trying to bridge the divide: A phenomenological footnote regarding the dichotomy between empathy and reasoning. Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 28(3), 209–221. https://doi.org/10.7202/1085076ar
- Weber, B. (2020). Phenomenology as a voice of childhood. Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, 40(2), 32-43.*
- Aslanimehr, P., Weber, B., Marsal, E., & Knapp, F. (2018). Nature gives and nature takes: A qualitative comparison between Canadian and German children about their concepts of ‘nature’. Childhood & Philosophy, 14(30), 483–515. https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2018.30037 (Supported by HSS Seed fund).*
- Evers, S., Vadeboncoeur, J., & Weber, B. (2015). Situating children’s rights in cultural perspectives on childhood: Intermedial dialogue. Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights, 2(1), 48-71.
- Asgari, M. & Weber, B. (2015). Just say what you really think about drugs: Cultivating drug literacy through engaged philosophical inquiry (EPI). Childhood & Philosophy, 11(22), 361-371. *
- Weber, B. (2013). Philosophieren mit Kindern: Wieso, weshalb, wozu? Über das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen philosophischem und pädagogischer Anspruch in Auseinandersetzung mit Pierre Hadot [Philosophy with children: Why and what for? About the tension between philosophical and pedagogical expectations – in dialogue with Pierre Hadot]. Pädagogische Rundschau, 67(6), 623-635.*
- Weber, B. (2011). Childhood, philosophy and play: Friedrich Schiller and the interface between reason, passion and sensation. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 45(2), 235-250.*
- Weber, B. (2011). All new beginnings are difficult? On childhood, politics and philosophy. Ethics in Progress Quarterly, 2(1), 14-24.
- Weber, B. & Morgenstern, K. (2010). The recovery of the body: The disclosure of a forgotten precondition in James Mensch’s Embodiments: From the body to body politic. Research in Phenomenology, 41(3), 441-449.
- Weber, B. & Gardner, S. (2009). Back to the future in philosophical dialogue: A plea for changing P4C teacher education. Analytical Teaching and Philosophical Practice: The Community of Inquiry Journal, 29(1), 25-30.*
- Weber, B. (2008). J. Habermas and the art of dialogue: The practicability of the “ideal speech situation.” Analytical Teaching: The Community of Inquiry Journal, 28(1), 1-8.*
- Brüning, B., & Weber, B. (2007). Philosophy for children in Germany: People, persons and pursuits. Thinking: The Journal for Philosophy for Children, 18(4), 6-10.*
Reprinted in:
Brüning, B., & Weber, B. (2008). Philosophieren mit Kindern in Deutschland: Personen, Projekte, Perspektiven [Philosophizing with children: People, projects and pursuits]. Zeitschrift fuer Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik, 30(1), 65-68.*
Brüning, B., & Weber, B. (2008). Philosophieren mit Kindern in Deutschland: Personen, Projekte, Perspektiven [Philosophizing with children: People, projects and pursuits]. In L. Moeller (Ed.), Philosophie – eine Schule der Freiheit. Philosophieren mit Kindern weltweit und in Deutschland [Philosophy – A school for freedom: Philosophy for children worldwide and in Germany] (108-115). Bonn, Germany: UNESCO Kommission.
- Weber, B. (2007). Hope instead of cognition? The community of inquiry as a culture for human rights based on Richard Rorty’s understanding of philosophy. Thinking: The Journal for Philosophy for Children, 18(4), 23-32.*
Reprinted in:
Weber, B. (2007). Hope instead of cognition? Cultivating human rights in young children based on Richard Rorty’s understanding of philosophy. In E. Marsal, T. Dobashi & B. Weber (Eds.), Children philosophize all around the world: International theories and practical concepts (pp. 353-371). Peter Lang Publisher.
- Weber, B. (2007). Subjective time and the encounter in the moment: Towards an ethical attitude for intergenerational dialogue within the context of various theories about childhood. Thinking: The Journal for Philosophy for Children, 18(3), 6-14.*
- Zeitler, K. & Weber, B. (2006). Sinnlich erfahrbare Kunst als Bindeglied zwischen Philosophie und der Lebenswelt der Kinder: Ein Praxisbericht [Art experience and philosophical inquiry with children]. Karlsruher pädagogische Beiträge (kpb), 63(1), 89-95.
- Weber, B. (2005). Der Weise als Waise. Hadot und das „Bild“ des Kindes in der phänomenologischen Anthropologie [The sage as the eternal child: P. Hadot on ancient philosophy as a way of life]. Karlsruher pädagogische Beiträge (kpb), 62(1), 128-143.
Reprinted in:
Weber, B. (2009). Towards a philosophical attitude or how to teach intellectual virtues: A dialogue with Pierre Hadot’s “Philosophy as a Way of Life”. In E. Marsal, T. Dobashi & B. Weber (Eds.), Children philosophize worldwide: International theories and practical concepts (pp. 387-397). Peter Lang Publisher.
- Weber, B. (2005). „Die Würde der Zukunft ist unantastbar!“ Der generationsübergreifende Dialog über Philosophie und Werte bei G. Matthews im Diskurs mit H. Arendt und E. Lévinas [The dignity of the future is inalienable: The dialog between generations about philosophical issues – G. Matthews, H. Arendt and E. Lévinas]. Childhood & Philosophy, 2(1), 375-394.*
From 1993 until 2010, I worked as a professional dancer, choreographer, actress and performance artist. While working on theories around empathy and embodiment, I used my training in classical ballet, German expressionist dance, bharatanatyam and butoh to choreograph interactive performances. Those included poetry and philosophical aphorisms, the non-verbal ‘answers’ through the dancer’s movements and dialogue with the audience. In 2004, I was invited by the Leibniz-prize laureate Professor Brandstetter at the first German institute for Dance (Freie Univeristät Berlin) to give an invited colloquium on the connections between philosophical theories around dialogue, body perception and dance. As evidence of the impact of my work in this field, I was also invited to publish an article on artistic inspiration in the book “Chiasmatic Encounters”, edited by Arto Haapala (2015). In my PhD thesis I expand on my background in dance and combine it with philosophies on body perception and communication training for teachers (with a focus on non-verbal communication). In addition, I have written about contemporary art and poetry (e.g. see my publication on Fritz Hoerauf’s painters, Hirmer, 2012)
- WORK IN PROGRESS (including degree of completion)
Single-author book:
- Weber, B. (planned publishing date, 2023). Philosophy of beginnings. Lexington & Littlefield Publisher.
This book is 80% complete and Rowman & Littlefield publisher have expressed a strong interest in publishing it in its “Philosophy of Childhood” series.
Journal Papers:
- Weber, B. (in progress). The unbearableness [Unertraeglichkeit] of thinking: A yearning for quality. Philosophy of Education Journal. The article is in process and I plan to submit in spring of 2023. 20% completed
- Weber, B. (in progress). Embodiment and Architecture: Understanding Space. In Wiercinski, A. & Umbelino, L. (Eds.) Hermeneutics of Architecture. Brill/Fink Publisher. Forthcoming in fall 2023. 20% completed.
- Research collaboration with PD* Dr. Michael Staudigl, University of Vienna and Prof. Dr. Karel Novotny, Charles University in Prague (since 2021) – collaborative editing of an anthology, lectures, workshop meetings with students
- Research collaboration with Professor Dr. Eva Marsal on Children’s Perceptions of Nature (since 2014) – publications and research projects
- Research collaboration with Professor Dr. Andrew Wiercinski, Philosophy of Education, University Warsaw, Poland – invited talks, grant application, publications
- Research collaboration with Professor Dr. Walter Kohan, State University of Rio de Janeiro (since August 2017) – grant applications, publications