Professor Emeritus
Yale University
Scholarly Interests:
Arithmetic, Cognitive Aspects of Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, Reading
Dorothy Lam Chair in Special Education
Selected Publications:
McQuarrie, M & Siegel, L.S. (in press) Reactivity to stress and the cognitive components of math disability in grade one children. Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Siu-sze Yeung, S., Siegel, L.S. (in press) Effects of a phonological awareness program on English reading and spelling among Hong Kong Chinese ESL children, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Abu-Rabia, S., Shakkour, W., & Siegel, L. (2013). Cognitive Retroactive Transfer (CRT) of Language Skills. Bilingual Research Journal, 36, 1-9.
Marinova-Todd, S., Siegel, L.S., & Mazabel, S. (2013). The association between morphological awareness and literacy in English Language Learners from diverse language backgrounds. Topics in Language Disorders, 33, 93-107.
Partanen M, Siegel LS. (2013). Long-term outcome of the early identification and intervention of reading disabilities. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, doi: 10.1007/s11145-013-9472-1
Lipka, O., & Siegel, L.S. (2012) The Development of Reading Comprehension Skills in Children Learning English as a Second Language Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25, 1873-1898.
Siegel, L.S. (2013) Theme Editor’s Introduction. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 39, 9-10.
Sprenger-Charolles, L. (2013). Reading acquisition and dyslexia in languages varying in orthographic depth: From behavior to brain. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 39, 23-32.
Etmanskie J, Partanen M, Siegel LS. (in press). A longitudinal examination of the persistence of late emerging reading disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities,
Wu, A. D., Zumbo, B. D., Siegel, L. S. (2011). Piecewise general growth mixture modeling: Word recognition development for different learners in different phases. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 10, 1, 226-248.
Ho, F.C., Siegel, L.S. (2011) Identification of sub-types of students with learning disabilities in
reading and its implications for Chinese word recognition and instructional methods in Hong Kong primary schools. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal DOI 10.1007/s11145-011-9332-9
Sprenger-Charolles, L., Siegel, L.S. Jimenez, J.E., Ziegler, J. (2011) Prevalence and reliability of phonological, surface, and mixed profiles in dyslexia: A Review of Studies Conducted in Languages Varying in Orthographic Depth. Scientific Studies of Reading 15, 498-521
Jimenez, J.E., Siegel, L.S., O’Shanahan, I., Mazabel, S. (2011) Analizando procesos cognitivos y de escritura en niños hispano-parlantes que aprenden inglés como segunda lengua y niños canadienses de habla inglesa. European Journal of Education and Psychology. 3,1 45-59.
Leonard, C.M., Low, P., Jonczak E. & Schmutz K.M., Siegel, L.S., Beaulieu, C. (2011) Brain Anatomy, Processing Speed, and Reading in School-Age Children. Developmental Neuropsychology, (36) 7, 828-846
Vukovic, R.K., Siegel, L.S. (2010) Academic and cognitive characteristics of persistent mathematics difficulty from first through fourth grade. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. 25, 1, 25-38.
Vukovic, R.K., Lesaux, N.K., Siegel, L.S. (2010) The mathematics skills of children with reading difficulties. Learning and Individual Differences 20, 639-643
Lipka, O., & Siegel, L.S. (2010) The improvement of reading skills of L1 and ESL children using a Response to Intervention (RtI) Model. Psicothema. 22, 963-969
McBride, M.L., Rogers P., Sheps, S., Glickman, V., Broemeling, A.M., Goddard K., Hu, J, Lorenzi ,M., Peacock S., Pritchard S., Rassekh S., Siegel L, Spinelli JJ, Teckle P, Xie L. (2010) Childhood, adolescent, young adult cancer survivors research program of British Columbia: Objectives, study design and cohort characteristics. Pediatric Blood Cancer 55, 2 1-7.
Lorenzi, M., McBride, M., McMillan, A., Siegel, L.S., Zumbo, B., (2009). Educational Outcomes among Survivors of Childhood Cancer in British Columbia, Canada: Report of the Childhood/Adolescent/Young Adult Cancer Survivors (CAYACS) Program. Cancer 2234-2245
Siegel, L.S. (2009) Down the garden path and into the poison ivy: IQ & LD. New Times for DLD 7,3 1-6.
Jimenez, J.E., Garcia de la Cadena, C., Siegel, L.S., O’Shanahan., I., Garcia, E., Rodriguez, C. (2009) Gender ratio and cognitive profiles in dyslexia: A cross-national study. Reading and Writing, 24, (7) 729-747.
Lloyd, J E.V., Zumbo, B.D., Siegel, L.S. (2009). When measures change over time: A workable solution for analysing change and growth across multiple waves. Journal of Educational Research & Policy Studies, 9, 2, 81-100.
Siegel, L.S. (2009). Introduction to the special issue. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22, 753-754.
Jiménez, J. E., Siegel, L. S., O’Shanahan, I., and Ford, L. (2009). The relative roles of IQ and cognitive processes in reading disability, Educational Psychology, 29:1,27-43.
Chong, S.L., Siegel, L.S. (2008) Stability of computational deficits in math learning disability from second through fifth grades. Developmental Neuropsychology, 33 (3), 300-317.
Siegel, L.S. (2008) Foreword: Topics in Language. Disorders, 28 1, 3-4.
Siegel, L.S. (2008) Morphological awareness skills of English language learners and children with dyslexia. Topics in Language Disorders 28 1, 15-27.
Lesaux, N.K., Vukovic, R.K., Hertzman, C., & Siegel, L.S. (2008) Context Matters: The interrelatedness of early literacy skills, developmental health, and community demographics. Education and Early Development 18, 3 , 497 – 518.
Kozey, M. & Siegel, L.S. (2008). Definitions of learning disabilities in Canadian provinces and territories. Canadian Psychology, 49, 162-171.
Perry, N. E., Mirenda, P. & Siegel, L. (2007). Beyond placement: Supporting effective inclusive education. Policy Brief, 1(1), 6-9, 12.
Knell, E., Siegel, L.S., Qiang, H., Zhoa, L., Pei, M., Zhao, W., & Chi, Y.P. (2007) Early English immersion and literacy in Xi’an, China. Modern Language Journal, 91, 4. 395-417.
Lesaux, N.K., Rupp, A.A., & Siegel, L.S., (2007) Growth in reading skills of children from diverse linguistic backgrounds: Findings from a 5-year longitudinal study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99, 4. 821-834.
Jongejan, W., Verhoeven, L., & Siegel, L.S., (2007) Predictors of reading and spelling abilities in first and second language learners. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99, 4. 835-851.
Lipka, O. & Siegel, L.S. (2007) The development of reading skills in children with English as a second language. Scientific Studies of Reading, 11, 105-131.
Siegel, L.S. (2007). Perspectives on Dyslexia. Paediatrics & Child Health, 11, 581-588
Chiappe, P. & Siegel, L. S. (2006). The development of reading for Canadian children from diverse linguistic backgrounds: A longitudinal study. Elementary School Journal, 107, 135-152.
Lipka, O., Lesaux, N. K., & Siegel, L. S. (2006) Retrospective analyses of the reading development of a group of grade 4 disabled readers: Risk status and profiles over 5 years. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 39, 364-378.
Rupp, A.A., Lesaux, N.K., & Siegel, L.S. (2006). Meeting expectations? An empirical investigation of a standards-based reading assessment. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 28, 315-333.
Vukovic, R. & Siegel, L. S. (2006). The double deficit hypothesis: A comprehensive review of the evidence. Journal of Learning Disabilities 39, 25-47.
Lesaux, N. K., Pearson, M. R., & Siegel, L. S., (2006) The effects of timed and untimed testing conditions on the reading comprehension performance of adults with reading disabilities. Reading and Writing, 19, 21-48.
Gottardo, A., Chiappe, P., Yan, B., Siegel, L.S., & Gu,Y. (2006) Relationships between first and second language phonological processing skills and reading in Chinese-English speakers living in English-speaking contexts. Educational Psychology, 26, 367-394.
Siegel, L. S. & Smythe, I. S. (2006) Supporting dyslexic adults – A need for clarity (and more research): A critical review of the Rice Report ‘Developmental Dyslexia in Adults: A Research Review’. Dyslexia, 12, 68-79.
Lesaux, N.K., Lipka, O., & Siegel, L.S. (2006). Investigating cognitive and linguistic abilities that Influence the reading comprehension skills of children from diverse linguistic backgrounds, Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 19, 99-131
Low, P., & Siegel, L.S. (2005) A comparison of the cognitive processes underlying reading comprehension in native English and ESL speakers. Written Language and Literacy Vol. 8:2 207-231.
Lipka, O., Siegel, L.S., & Vukovic, R. K. (2005). The literacy skills of English Language learners in Lessons from research. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 20, 39-49.
Siegel, L. S. & Smythe, Ian, S. (2005) Reflections on research on reading disability with special attention to gender issues. Journal of Learning Disabilities 5, 473-477.
D’Angiulli, A., Siegel, L.S., & Maggi, S. (2004). Literacy Instruction, SES, and Word-Reading Achievement in English-Language Learners and Children with English as a First Language: A Longitudinal Study. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 19, 202–213.
D’Angiulli, Amedeo; Siegel, Linda S.; Hertzman, Clyde. (2004) Schooling, socioeconomic context and literacy development. Educational Psychology, 24, 867-883.
Passolunghi, M.C.& Siegel, L.S. (2004). Working memory and access to numerical information in children with disability in mathematics. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 88, 348-367.
Abu Rabia, S. & Siegel, L.S. (2003). Reading skills in three orthographies: The case of Trilingual Arabic-Hebrew-English speaking Arab children. Reading and Writing, 16, 611-634.
D’Angiulli, A. & Siegel, L.S. (2003). Cognitive functioning as measured by the WISC-R: Do children with LD have distinctive patterns of performance? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36, 48-58.
Jimenez, J. E., Siegel, L. S. & Rodrigo Lopez, M. (2003). The relationship between IQ and reading disabilities in English-speaking Canadian and Spanish children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36, 15-23.
Lesaux, N.K. & Siegel, L.S. (2003). The development of reading in children who speak English as a second language. Developmental Psychology, 25, 1005-1019.
Lucangeli, D., Tressoldi, P.E., Bendotti, M., Bonanomi,, M. & Siegel, L.S. (2003). Effective strategies for mental and written arithmetic calculation from the third to the fifth grade. Educational Psychology, 23, 507-520.
Siegel, L. S. (2003). IQ-discrepancy definitions and the diagnosis of LD: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36, 2-3.
Sprenger-Charolles, L., Siegel, L. S., Bechennec, D., & Serniclaes, W. (2003). Development of phonological and orthographic processing in reading aloud, in silent reading, and in spelling: A four year longitudinal study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 84, 194-217.
Abu Rabia, S. & Siegel, L. S. (2002). Reading, syntactic, orthographic and working memory skills of bilingual Arabic-English speaking children. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 31, 661-678.
Chiappe, P., Siegel, L. S. & Wade-Woolley, L. (2002). Linguistic diversity and the development of reading skills: A longitudinal study. Scientific Study of Reading, 6, 369-400.
Chiappe, P., Siegel, L. S., & Gottardo, A. (2002). Reading-related skills of kindergartners from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Applied Psycholinguistics, 23, 95-116.
Chiappe, P., Stringer, R., Siegel, L. S., & Stanovich, K. E. (2002). Why the timing deficit hypothesis does not explain reading disability in adults. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 15, 73-107.
D’Angiulli, A., Siegel, L. S., & Serra, E. (2002). The development of reading in English and Italian in bilingual children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 22, 479-507.
Gang, M. & Siegel, L.S. (2002). Sound-symbol learning in children with dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35, 137-157.
Molfese, V., Karp, K., and Siegel, L. (2002) Recommendations for writing successful proposals from the reviewer’s perspective. SRA Journal, 33, 21-24.
Bredberg, E., & Siegel, L. S. (2001). Learning disabilities and behavior therapy: A review of practice and a view to the future. Behavior Therapy, 32, 651-666.
Chan, C.K.K. & Siegel, L. S. (2001). Phonological processing in reading Chinese among normally achieving and poor readers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 23-43.
Chiappe, P., Chiappe, D.L., & Siegel, L. S. (2001). Speech perception, lexicality and reading skill. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 58-74.
Gottardo, A., Yan, B., Siegel, L. S., Wade-Woolley, L. (2001). Factors related to English reading performance in children with Chinese as a first language: More evidence of cross-language transfer of phonological processing. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 530-542.
Passolunghi, M. & Siegel, L. S. (2001). Short-term memory, working memory, and inhibitory control in children with difficulties in arithmetic problem solving. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 44-57.
Gunderson, L. & Siegel, L. S. (2001). The evils of the use of IQ tests to define learning disabilities in first and second-language learners. The Reading Teacher, 55, 48-55.
Swanson, H. L. & Siegel, L. S. (2001). Learning disabilities as a working memory deficit. Issues in Education, 7, 1-48, 127-154.
Vandervelden, M.C. & Siegel, L. S. (2001). Phonological processing in written word learning: Assessment for students who use AAC. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 17, 37-51.
Chiappe, P., Hasher, L., & Siegel, L. S. (2000). Working memory, inhibitory control and reading disability. Memory and Cognition, 28, 8-17.
Geva, E. & Siegel, L. S. (2000). Orthographic and cognitive factors in the concurrent development of basic reading skill in two languages. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12, 1-30.
Research Projects:
One research project is a longitudinal study in North Vancouver to examine the early identification and intervention of native English-speaking and ESL speaking children at-risk for reading failure. An early literacy program was implemented in kindergarten for at-risk children for reading failure.
The participants are all of the children in the school district and who are assessed annually in the areas of reading, language, and memory to examine development of these skills. The study began in the participants kindergarten year (1997) and will continue through to grade 9 (2007). This school-based research in dyslexia and reading failure is also in the preliminary stages in other districts in B.C.
The other study underway is to examine the development of reading, language, and memory skills in children and adults with learning disabilities. An assessment of reading, language, spelling, memory and arithmetic is conducted with each participant. Suggestions for remediation and appropriate accommodations in school and the workplace, and/or further education are made for each individual, based on their individual learning difficulties.