Judith Daniluk

Professor Emeritus


Gradutate of the University of Calgary, 1985

Scholarly Interests:

Women’s sexuality and reproductive health; Voluntary and involuntary childlessness; Clinical supervision; Developmental transitions in adult life.


Canadian Psychological Association, Elected Fellow (2000)

Outstanding Non-Research Article Award

Canadian Counselling Association (1991)

Centre for Research in Women’s Studies and Gender Relations (UBC) Research Scholar (1992)

Izaak Walton Killam Doctoral Research Scholarship

Selected Publications:


Daniluk, J.C. (2001).  The infertility survival guide:  Everything you need to know to cope with the challenges while maintaining your sanity, dignity, and relationships.  Oakland, CA:  New Harbinger.

Daniluk, J.C. (1998).  Women’s sexuality across the lifespan:  Challenging myths, creating meanings.  New York:  Guilford Publications.   Paperback Edition released in 2003.

Refereed Journal Articles:

Daniluk, J.C., & Koert, E. (2013). The other side of the fertility coin: A comparison of  childless men’s and women’s knowledge of fertility and assisted reproductive technology. Fertility and Sterility, 99 (3), 839-846. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.10.033

Daniluk, J.C., & Koert, E. (2012). Childless Canadian men’s and women’s childbearing intentions, attitudes towards, and willingness to use assisted human reproduction. Human Reproduction 27(8), 2405-2412.

Daniluk, J.C., Koert, E., & Cheung, A.P. (2012).  Childless Women’s Knowledge of Fertility and Assisted Human Reproduction: Identifying the Gaps. Fertility and Sterility, 97 (2), 420-426.

Hirakata, P.E., & Daniluk, J.C. (2009).  Swimming upstream:  The experiences of academic mothers of young children.  Canadian Journal of Counselling, 43 (4), 283-294.

Majcher, J., & Daniluk, J.C.  (2009).  The process of becoming a supervisor for students in a doctoral training course.  Training & Education in Professional Psychology, 3 (2), 63-71.

Daniluk, J.C., & Browne, N. (2008). Religious Doctrine and Women’s Sexuality: Reconciling the Contradictions. Women & Therpay, 31(1) 129-142.

Kranz, K.C., & Daniluk, J.C. (2006). Living outside the box: Lesbian families created through the use of anonymous donor insemination. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 86, 1-33.

Winter, A., & Daniluk, J.C. (2004). A gift from the heart: The experiences of women whose egg donation helped their sisters become mothers. Journal of Counseling and Development. 82, 483-495.

Daniluk, J.C. & Hurtig-Michell, J. (2003). Themes of hope and healing: Infertile couples experiences of adoption. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 389-399.

Daniluk, J.C. (2001). “If we had it to do over again…”: Couples’ reflections on their experiences of infertility treatments. The Family Journal 9 (2), 122-133.

Daniluk, J. C. (2001). Reconstructing their lives: A longitudinal, qualitative analysis of the transition to biological childlessness for infertile couples. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79(4), 439-449.

Webb, R., & Daniluk, J.C. (1999). The end of the line: Infertile men’s experiences of being unable to produce a child. Men and Masculinity, 2(1), 6-25.

Theoretical Orientation:

Feminist-existential psychodynamic

Research Funding Sources and Current Projects

CIHR, SSHRC, HSS, Health Canada

Fertility Awareness Online – the development and maintenance of the educational website MyFertilityChoices.com to support informed reproductive decision-making.

Fertility Awareness Survey (FAS) and (FAS-M) – development of a national on-line questionnaire assessing adult Canadian women and men’s fertility knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about delay childbearing, and assisted human reproduction treatments and parenting options.

Research Projects:

Watch Dr. Judith Daniluk present how a series of life events and decisions have led to a passionate and successful career as a clinical researcher and professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of British Columbia.

Courses Taught:

CNPS 678 Doctoral Theories

CNPS 688 Doctoral Supervision

CNPS 598 Master’s Practicum

CNPS 588 Supervised Clinical Training

CNPS 524 Counselling Adults