Professor Emeritus
University of Toronto
Scholarly Interests:
Early Childhood Development, Social Policy Implications of Child Development Research
Selected Publications:
Goelman, H. , Marshall, S. & Ross, S. (Eds.). (Under review, April 2003). Multiple Lenses, Multiple Images: Perspectives on the Child Across Time, Space and Disciplines. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Goelman, H. (2002). Towards an historical and spiritual understanding of child development: The medieval commentaries of Rabbi Moshe Yehuda ibn Mahiri. Ethos: Journal for the Society for Anthropological Psychology, 29:4, pp. 491-512
Goelman, H., Andersen, C., Anderson, J., Gouzouasis, P. Kendrick, M., Kindler, A.M., Porath, M., &Koh, Jinyoung (2002). Early childhood education. (2002). In W.M. Reynolds, G.E. Miller & I. Weiner (Eds.). Handbook of Psychology, Volume Seven: Educational Psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 285-331.
Goelman, H. (2000). Training, quality and the lived experience of child care. In G. Cleveland & M. Krashinsky (Eds.), Our children’s future: Child care policy in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (28 ms. pages).
Goelman, H., Doherty, G., Lero, D., LaGrange, A., & Tougas, J. (2000). Caring and learning in chld care centres across Canada. Guelph: University of Guelph Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being. (200 ms. pages).
Doherty, G., Lero, D., Goelman, H., LaGrange, A, & Tougas, J. (2000). Caring and Learning in Family Child Care Homes Across Canada. Guelph: University of Guelph Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being.
Doherty, G., Lero, D., Goelman, H., LaGrange, A., & Tougas, J. (1999). You bet I care! A Canada-wide study on wages, working conditions, and practices in child care centres. Guelph: University of Guelph Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being.
Goelman, H., & Guo, H. (1998). What we know and what we don’t know about burnout among early childhood care providers. Child and Youth Care Forum, 27(3), 175-197.
Research Projects:
” You Bet I Care!”This is a nation-wide study of child care programs which includes surveys and of staff and directors and on-site observations. (Collaborative study with Universities of Guelph and Alberta, funded by Human Resources and Development Canada).
The UBC Child and Family Project
This is an interdisciplinary project including UBC faculty from Law, Health Care & Epidemiology, Social Work & Family Studies, Rehabilitation Sciences, Nursing, Education, Community and Regional Planning, Health Sciences, and Pediatrics. The project sponsors collaborative research endeavors, weekly research symposia and supports proposal development in such areas as child development, children as witnesses to violence and youth engagement. [SSHRC Research Development Initiative Program (RDI)].
TLC3: The Learning Connection.
TLC3 supports demonstration projects across Canada in the area of infant intervention, including a Vancouver site. (Funded by the Hincks Mental Health of Toronto and the Lawson Family Foundation).
Courses Taught: