Anusha Kassan


Associate Professor
SACP Program Coordinator


Office: Scarfe Office Block 2509

School and Applied Child Psychology

Registered Psychologist

Dr. Kassan is an Associate Professor who holds a high-impact position in child and youth mental health in the School and Applied Child Psychology programme at the University of British Columbia. She was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Counselling Psychology programme at the University of British Columbia from 2009 to 2013, and an Assistant and then Associate Professor in Educational Studies in Counselling Psychology at the University of Calgary from 2014 to 2019. Dr. Kassan completed her graduate studies in Counselling Psychology at McGill University and did her Pre-Doctoral Internship in Professional Psychology at the University of California, Irvine Counselling Center.

Scholarly Interests:

Child and youth mental health, Social justice, Multiculturalism and diversity, Teaching and learning methods, Feminist-Multicultural, Theoretical Orientation

Dr. Kassan’s scholarly interests are informed by her own bi-cultural identity. As such, her program of study is informed by an overarching social justice lens. Her research presently includes two major foci. First, she is conducting research pertaining to immigration experiences across different communities (i.e., newcomer youth, women, and 2SLGBTQIA+ newcomers). Second, she is carrying out research in the area of teaching and learning, investigating cultural and social justice responsiveness in psychology training. Dr. Kassan is committed to the implications of this research for psychology practice, training, research, and policy.

Theoretical Orientation:




Great Supervisor Award – University of Calgary, 2018

Seisoh Sukemune Encouragement of Early Career Research Award – International Council of Psychologists, 2018

LUMA Award – Association for Women in Psychology, 2019

Teaching Award – University of Calgary, 2019

Community Award – Portail de l’Immigrant Association, 2020

Distinguished Member Award – Canadian Psychological Association – Section on Counselling Psychology, 2021

Excellence in Clinical Supervision Award – Psychology Association of Alberta, 2022

Fellow Award – Canadian Psychological Association, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal – Province of Alberta, 2023

Community Engagment

In addition to engaging in service activities across the university community, Dr. Kassan has been involved with several psychology organizations and communities. For example, she was a member of the Canadian Psychological Association’s Accreditation Panel, and she is the Past-Chair of the Section on Counselling Psychology of the Canadian Psychological Association. Moreover, she provides regular training to clinicians in the community on topics pertaining to anti-racism, intersectionality, and cultural and social justice responsiveness. In the context of her research on the school integration of newcomer youth, Dr. Kassan has collaborated with the Calgary Catholic School District in Alberta as well as the Surrey School District and the Conseil scolaire francophone in British Columbia.


McGill University, 2009, Ph.D., Counselling Psychology, APA and CPA Accredited Program

McGill University, 2002, M.A., Counselling Psychology, OCCOPPQ Accredited Program

Concordia University, 2000, B.A,, Psychology, Honors Program

Maisonneuve College, 1995, Diploma of Collegial Studies

Selected Projects

Remote and Online Services for Professional Immigrants (Co-PI) – IRCC Service Delivery & Innovation Grant  Government of Canada, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada

Hybrid Education Literacy Learning Optimization Study (Co-PI) – IRCC Service Delivery & Innovation Grant  Government of Canada, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada

Newcomer Youth and School Integration: An Arts-Based Engagement Ethnography in the French and English Public System (PI) – SSHRC Development Grant – Government of Canada

Newcomer Youth and School Integration: An Arts-Based Engagement Ethnography in the French and English Public System (PI) – SSHRC Development Grant – Government of Canada

Voices in the Art (Co-PI) – Women and Gender Equality Canada – Government of Canada

Selected Publications

Kassan, A. (in press). Fostering cultural safety in supervision as a bicultural woman who has been racialized in the academy. In S. Dixon C. DePass (Eds.), Racialized Women Navigating Academic Spaces: Stronger Together. Lexington Books.

Kassan, A., Nakamura, N., Toews, J., & Beks, T. (2023). “Falling in love with me means that she can never go back”: A case study exploring the cumulative costs of multiple migrations. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 27(1), 107-126.

Kassan, A. (2022). The seemingly impossible quest and longing for change. In G. Shukla and E. Esina (Eds), Landed: Transformative Stories of Canadian Immigrant Women (pp. 25-30). Campfire Kinship Storytelling Inc.

Kassan, A., & Moodley, R. (2022). Diversity and Social Justice in Counseling, Psychology, and Psychotherapy: A Case Study Approach. Cognella Press.

Kassan, A. (2021). Promoting reflexivity through multiple means of engagement: A UDL approach to enhancing cultural and social justice responsiveness. In M. Arcellana-Panlilio and P. Dyjur (Eds). Incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Disciplinary Contexts in Higher Education (pp. 33-38). University of Calgary, AB: Taylor Institute of Teaching and Learning Guide Series.

Kassan, A., Nutter, S. Arthur, N. Green, A.R., Russell-Mayhew, S., & Sesma-Vasquez, M. (2020). Capturing the shadow and light of researcher positionality: A picture-prompted poly-ethnography. International Journal of Qualitative Methods

Kassan, A., Sinacore, A.L., & Green, A.R. (2019). Learning about social justice through a self-reflective field activity. Manuscript submitted for publication. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 24(2), 250-255.

Cohen, J., & Kassan, A. (2018). Being in-between: A model of cultural identity negotiation for emerging adult immigrants. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 65(2), 133-154.

Nakamura, N., Kassan, A., & Suehn, M. (2017). Resilience and migration: The experiences of same-sex binational couples in Canada. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 29(2)201-219.

Kassan, A., & Sinacore, A. L. (2016). Multicultural counselling competencies with female adolescents: A retrospective qualitative investigation of client experiencesCanadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy / Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, 50(4), 402-420. Retrieved from

Kassan, A., Fellner, K. D., Jones, M. I., Palandra, A. L., & Wilson, L. J. (2015). (Re)considering novice supervisor development through a social justice lens: An experiential account. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9(1)52-60.

Nakamura, N., & Kassan, A. (2013). Understanding the experiences of immigrant sexual minority women through a cultural identity model. Women & Therapy, 36(3-4), 252-267.

Sinacore, A. L., Ginsberg, F., & Kassan, A. (2012). Feminist, multicultural, and social justice pedagogies in counselling psychology. In C. Z. Enns & E. N. Williams (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Multicultural Counselling Psychology (pp. 413-431). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Sinacore, A., Kassan, A., Borgen, W., A., Daniluk, J., Leong, B., & Nicols, J. (2011). Canadian counselling psychologists’ contributions to applied psychology. Canadian Psychology, 52(4), 276-288. doi:10.1037/a0025549.

Sinacore, A. L., Mikhail, A. M., Kassan, A., & Lerner, S. (2009). Cultural transition of Jewish immigrants: Education, employment, and integration. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 9(3), 157-176.