Associate Professor Emeritus
Registered Psychologist
Myrne Nevison Professorship
School Psychology Affiliate
University of Colorado
Scholarly Interests:
Anxiety Disorders Prevention and Early Intervention, Child and Family Counseling in School Settings
2008, 2012, Myrne B. Nevison Professorship in Counselling Psychology
2006, Outstanding Leadership Award, International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors
2002, British Columbia Psychology Association, Excellence in Teaching Award Winner
2002, International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors, Professional Recognition award
Selected Publications:
Miller, L. D., Martinez, Y. J*., Shumka, E*., & Baker, H*. (in press). Cross sectional analysis of parent, teacher and child ratings of anxiety in a community sample. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 16 pages
McIntosh, K., Ty*, S. V., & Miller, L. D. (in press). Effects of school-wide positive behavior support on internalizing problems: Current evidence and future directions. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. DOI: 10.1177/1098300713491980 10 pages
Green*, A. R., & Miller, L. D. (2013). A literature review of the strengths and limitations of premarital preparation: Implications for a Canadian context. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 47, 256-271.
Messmer*, R., Miller, L. D., & Yu*, C. M. (2012). The relationship between parent-infant bed-sharing and marital satisfaction for mothers of infants. Family Relations, 61, 798-810.
Miller, L. D., Laye-Gindhu*, A., Bennett,*J., Liu* Y., Gold*, S. , March, J., Olson, B., & Waechtler, V. (2011). An effectiveness study of a culturally enriched school-based CBT anxiety prevention program. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology,40(4), 618–629. doi:10.1080/15374416.2011.581619
Miller, L. D., Gold, S., Laye-Gindhu*, A., Martinez*, Y. J., Yu, C. M.*, & Waechtler*, V. (2011). Transporting a School-Based Intervention for Social Anxiety in Canadian Adolescents. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 43(4), 287-296. doi: 10.1037/a0023174
Fukashima-Flores*, M., & Miller, L.D. (2011). FRIENDS Parent Project: Effectiveness of parent training in reducing parent anxiety in a universal prevention program for symptoms in school children. Behaviour Change, 28(2), 57-74. doi:10.1375/bech.28.2.57
Miller, L.D., Laye-Gindhu*, A., March, J., Liu, Y*., Thordardson, D., & Garland, J. (2011). Evaluation of a preventive intervention for child anxiety in two randomized attention-control school trials. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 315-323.
Yoo, C.* & Miller, L.D. (2011). Perceptions of parental warmth, control, and psychological adjustment among Chinese Canadian adolescents. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 45(1), 34-52.
Miller, L.D., Short, C*. , Garland, J., & Clark, S. (2010). The ABCs of CBT: Evidence-based approaches to child anxiety in public school settings. Journal of Counseling and Development, 88, 432-439.
Rose, H*., Miller, L.D. , & Martinez, Y.* (2009). FRIENDS For Life: The results of a resilience building, anxiety prevention program in a Canadian elementary school. The Professional School Counselor, 12(6), 400 – 407.
Miller, L.D. (2008). Facing fears: The feasibility of anxiety universal prevention efforts with children and adolescents. Journal of Cognitive and Behavior Practice, 15(1), 25 – 28.
Miller, L.D. (2007). Fear and worry in children: Preventive approaches. Child and Family Journal, 10(2),12 – 18.
Hymel, S., Schonert-Reichl, K., & Miller, L.D. (2006). Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmetic and Relationships: Considering the social side of education. Exceptionality Education Canada, 16, 149 – 192.
McLean, P., Miller, L.D., Chodkiewicz, A., McLean, C., & Whittal, M.(2006). Anxiety disorders “dissed”: A rejoinder to Sparks, Duncan and Miller. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 17, 109 – 118.
McLean, P., Miller, L.D., McLean, C., Chodkiewicz, A., & Whittal, M. (2006). Integrating psychological and biological approaches to anxiety disorders: Best practices within a family context. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 17, 7 – 34.
BOOK Chapters (peer review)
Miller, L. D., Shumka, E., & Baker, H. (2012). Special applications: A review of cognitive behavioral mental health interventions for children in clinical and school-based settings. In S. A. Lee & D. M. Edget (Eds.), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Applications, Methods and Outcomes. (pp. 1-36). Hauppauge York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Miller, L. D., Silva, C., Bouchard, S., Bélanger , C., & Taucer-Samson, T. (2012). Using virtual reality and other computer technologies to implement Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders in youth. In T. E Davis III, T. H. Ollendick, & L.-G. Öst (Eds.), Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias (pp. 227-252). New York, NY: Springer.
Lucyshyn, J., Binnendyk, L. , Fossett, B., Cheremshynski, C., Lohrman, S., Elkinson L., & Miller, L. D. (2009). Toward an ecological unit of analysis in behavioral assessment and intervention with families of children with developmental disabilities: Conceptual and empirical foundations and implications for assessment and intervention. Handbook of Positive Behavior Support . Ed. W. Sailor, Glen Dunlap, G. Sugai and R. Horner. New York, NY: Springer, pp. 73 – 106.
Miller, L.D.(2008). Integrating mental health services and schools. Battleground Schools: An Encyclopedia of Conflict and Controversy. Vol. 1 of 2. Ed. S. Mathison and E. W. Ross. Greenwood/Praeger, pp. 340 – 346.
Miller, L.D. (2002). Overview of family systems counseling in a school setting. In L. D. Miller (Ed.), Integrating School and Family Counseling: Practical Approaches. The Family Psychology and Counseling Series. Alexandria, Virginia: American Counseling Association, pp. 3-30.
Miller, L.D. (2002). Working with individual children from a family systems perspective. In L. D. Miller (Ed.), Integrating School and Family Counseling: Practical Approaches. The Family Psychology and Counseling Series. Alexandria, Virginia: American Counseling Association, pp. 109-128.
McLean, P. & Miller, L. D. (2001). Treatment of suicidal clients and their families. Family therapy and mental health: Innovations in theory and practice. Ed. M.M. McFarlane. Haworth Press, pp. 246-238.
Theoretical Orientation:
Research Projects:
• Cyberpsychology and Children: Virtual Reality 2007-2012
Canadian Foundation for Innovation $5 million Cdn, *Collaborator
• Fostering Resilience by Promoting Emotional Intelligence 2010-2011
Hampton Seed Fund $7,000 Cdn, *Principal Investigator
• Early Screening of Selective Mutism & other anxiety-related disorders in primary grade children in BC 2009-2010
Hampton Seed Fund $7,000 Cdn, *Principal Investigator
• Examining the link between rejection sensitivity, internalizing and externalizing problems in early adolescence 2009-2011
Struggling Youth Grant, $7,500 Cdn, *Principal Investigator
• Perceived Prenatal Warmth, Control and Psychological Adjustment among Chinese Canadian Adolescence 2008-2010
Hampton Fund $19,000 Cdn, *Principal Investigator
• LEAF (Living Effectively with Anxiety and Fear) Assessement Training 2007-2008
Michael Smith Health Research Foundation $5,000 Cdn *Principal investigator
• FRIENDS Parent Project Evaluation 2007 – 2008
Ministry of Children an dFamily Development BC $2525 *Principal Investigator
• Dissemination of Empirically Supported Treatment for Panic in Inderserved Communities: A Pilot Study 2007 – 2008
Canadian Institues of Health Research $5000 Cdn. *Principal Investigator
• AP3: Aboriginal Primary Prevention Project 2005-2008
Ministry of Child and Family Development $145,000 Cdn *Principal Investigator
• LEAF (Living Effectively with Anxiety and Fear) for Teens Project 2004-2006
Lions Gate Healthcare Research Foundation $41,500 Cdn *Principal Investigator
• VP3: Vancouver Primary Prevention Project 2002-2005
Canadian Institutes of Health Research $125,000 Cdn *Principal Investigator
• FP3: Friends Primary Prevention Project 2002 – 2004
Lions Gate healthcare Research Foundation $39,000 Cdn. *Principal Investigator
Project Videos:
- Anxiety Overview
- Calm Breathing
- Fear Ladders
- Common Questions About Children’s Anxiety
- Easy Separation – Anxiety BC
Courses Taught:
CNPS 504
CNPS 514
CNPS 545
CNPS 579
CNPS 586
CNPS 588
CNPS 598
CNPS 678
EPSE 507
EPSE 552