Dr. Joanna E. Cannon is a Professor in the Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education department at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Cannon has 9 years’ experience as an itinerant and resource teacher of deaf and hard of hearing students and is the parent of a deaf adult with disabilities. She serves as the coordinator of the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing concentration in the Special Education graduate program where she teaches language, literacy, and curriculum courses; serves as the academic advisor to all students in the program; and oversees all course instructors and practicum placements. She also teaches Special Education courses within the ECPS department.
Scholarly Interests:
Her areas of research include supporting students who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing with disabilities and those whose families utilize a different spoken and/or sign language than the school community, and to discover effective grammar and vocabulary instructional strategies to increase language acquisition.
- Research Funding Sources and Current Projects
- Selected Publications
- Community Engagment
- Courses Taught
- Education
- Awards
2024-2026 Alternative Review Parameters for DHH Programs within School Divisions
In collaboration with Dr. Joanne Weber (Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Canada Research Chair in Deaf Education), Dr. Natalia Rohatyn-Martin (Associate Professor, MacEwan University, Director, Human Services and Early Learning), Dr. Lynn McQuarrie (Professor, University of Alberta, David Peikoff Chair in Deaf Studies), Dr. Charlotte Enns (Professor Emeritus, University of Manitoba) and School District Personnel we will examine the district’s commitments to providing appropriate and effective services to the deaf and hard of hearing students within their schools.
The research team will focus on the following throughout data collection:
- Capture life in the classroom for the deaf and hard of hearing student and teachers
- Keep the focus on the deaf student and families (not only on programs and services)
- Track progress in language acquisition and literacy skills
- Track progress in academic achievement
- Enable a better fit between service delivery, student/family centred data and current policies related to promoting language and literacy skills in DHH students.
2021-2024 German Ministry of Education and Research Grant: Additional Language Learning of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Immigrant Students
Colleagues from the University of Cologne (Dr. Nicole Marx, Thomas Kaul, Katharina Urbann, and Jürgen Wessel) invited me to participate in an international grant team that includes Ingela Holmström and Camilla Lindahl (University of Stockholm), Chloe Marshall (University College London), Ruth Swanwick (University of Leeds), and partners from Royal Dutch Kentalis (Netherlands). The focus is on learners who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and immigrating to countries where their home language is not the dominant cultural language and they are exposed to multiple languages across multiple modalities.
2020-2021 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant: Understanding the Impact of COVID19 on Inclusive Education for Students in British Columbia’s Public Education (K-12) System
Along with my colleague, Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch, we are conducting a survey of educators and staff in the K-12 school system about the impact of the pandemic on inclusive education in the school community. More information is available at the Supporting Progressive Inclusive Child-Centred Education
2019-2020 SSHRC Explore Grant: Investigating interventions that increase social interaction for learners who are deaf or hard of hearing and experience autism spectrum disorder
Approximately 40% of students who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing (d/Dhh) have another disability(ies; Gallaudet Research Institute, 2013) and one in every 59 d/Dhh students is estimated to exhibit characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; Szymanski, Brice, Lam, & Hotto, 2012). Students with these additional challenges may require specific approaches to promote social integration, although there is a dearth of research on evidence-based practices that can guide practitioners in promoting social and communicative interaction with peers. The research aims to examine whether reading Social Stories using American Sign Language vocabulary improves interactions between students who are d/Dhh with ASD and their typical hearing peers in inclusive settings. Three d/Dhh students with ASD, and their classmates in inclusive settings will be recruited to participate in this study. A Single Case Design methodology using a non-concurrent multiple baseline across participants will be used to assess the effects of the intervention.
2018-2023 SSHRC Partnership Development Grant: Assessment for Effective Intervention in Written Expression for Students with Learning Disabilities
This project is a collaboration with Dr. Sterett Mercer (Primary Investigator) in partnership with Learning Disabilities Association of Vancouver (LDAV). This project will develop effective interventions to improve writing skills; determine whether computer scoring of student writing samples can help teachers provide effective and efficient feedback to students with writing challenges; and develop methods to evaluate writing progress to ensure that all struggling students are improving. We will collaborate with the Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) Online team, an international non-profit that provides low-cost, online professional development in evidence-based writing intervention.
2014-2017 SSHRC Insight Grant: Grammar Acquisition for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: Investigating an Evidence-Based Intervention and Assessment
The purpose of this project was to advance our knowledge about particular assessments and software-based interventions in order to increase language and literacy skills for students who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing. Specifically this study investigated the ability of a grammar software program to increase literacy skills, the ability of a new test to capture changes in the comprehension of written grammar, and the role of vocabulary in grammar comprehension for students who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing.
This project has been developed by my DHH Links to Literacy Research Lab team, which includes Dr. Anita Hubley, Nancy Norman, Alayna Finley, Julia O’Loughlin, Lauren Phelan, and Bryan Weber.
2011-2013 SSHRC Insight Development Grant: Comprehension of Written Grammar – CWG:
Validating an Assessment for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The focus of this study was to determine the construct validity, content validity, and reliability of the Comprehension of Written Grammar (CWG; Easterbrooks, 2010) test, which assesses 26 grammar structures. Participants included 98 students from a variety of settings and results indicate the CWG is a promising, emerging grammar assessment for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
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Cannon, J.E., & Wang, Q. (2024). Introduction: Deaf education and research with Filipino, South Korean, and Taiwanese communities. American Annals of the Deaf 168(5), 237-240. https://doi.org/10.1353/aad.2024.a927611.
Wang, Q., & Cannon, J.E. (2024). Epilogue: Learners Who Are d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing with Southeast Asian Backgrounds. American Annals of the Deaf 168(5), 347-348. https://doi.org/10.1353/aad.2024.a927618.
Kwon, E.Y., Cannon, J.E., & Guardino, C. (2024). Examining the language and communication factors of a deaf child with Autism Spectrum Disorder from an immigrant Korean family. American Annals of the Deaf 168(5), 274-295. https://doi.org/10.1353/aad.2024.a927614.
Cloth, A. H., Trach, J., & Cannon, J. E. (2023). Needs-based mentoring in schools: A holistic approach for working with youth at-risk. Child and Youth Services. 10.1080/0145935X.2023.2261370
Cannon, J. E. & Marx, N.(2023). Scoping review of methodologies across language studies with deaf and hard-of-hearing multilingual learners. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. 10.1515/iral-2022-0206
Mercer, S. H. & Cannon, J. E. (2022). Validity of automated learning progress assessment in English written expression for students with learning difficulties. . Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO),14 (1),39-6010.31244/jero.2022.01.03
Finley, A. & Cannon, J. E. (2022). Academic language in the home of two Deaf parents and their young Deaf children. Sign Language Studies. 10.1353/sls.2022.0008
Mercer, S. H. & Cannon, J. E. (2022). Validity of automated learning progress assessment in English written expression for students with learning difficulties. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 14(1), 39-60 https://doi.org/10.31244/jero.2022.01.03
Kwon, E. Y., Cannon, J. E., Knight, V., Mercer, S., & Guardino, C. (2022). Effects of social stories on increasing social interaction and communicative behaviors of deaf and hard of hearing students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in inclusive settings. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 10.1007/s10803-022-05430-4
Cannon, J. E., Guardino, C., & Paul, P. V. (Eds.). (2022). Deaf and hard of hearing multilingual learners: Foundations, strategies, and resources. Routledge.
Guardino, C., Cannon, J. E. & Paul, P. V. (Eds.). (2022). Deaf and hard of hearing learners with disabilities: Foundations, strategies, and resources. Routledge.
Cannon, J. E. & Guardino, C. (2022). Learners who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing and multilingual: Perspectives, approaches and considerations. In J. E. Cannon, C. Guardino, & P. V. Paul (Eds.), Deaf and hard of hearing multilingual learners: Foundations, strategies, and resources. (pp. 1-29). Routledge.
Kwon, E. Y., Guardino, C., & Cannon, J. E. (2022). Deaf and hard of hearing students with disabilities who are also multilingual learners. In J. E. Cannon, C. Guardino, & P. V. Paul (Eds.), Deaf and hard of hearing multilingual learners: Foundations, strategies, and resources. (pp. 219-263). Routledge.
Luckner, J. & Cannon, J. E. (2022). Transition within and beyond schooling for d/Deaf and hard of hearing multilingual learners. In J. E. Cannon, C. Guardino, & P. V. Paul (Eds.), Deaf and hard of hearing multilingual learners: Foundations, strategies, and resources. (pp. 264-299). Routledge.
Cannon, J. E., Guardino, C., Clements, A., & Cawthon, S. (2022). Learners who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing with a learning disability. In C. Guardino, J. E. Cannon, & P. V. Paul (Eds.), Deaf and hard of hearing learners with disabilities: Foundations, strategies, and resources. (pp. 195-232). Routledge.
Guardino, C. & Cannon, J. E. (2022). Cycles of support and tenets of effective practice for learners who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing with disabilities. In C. Guardino, J. E. Cannon, & P. V. Paul (Eds.), Deaf and hard of hearing learners with disabilities: Foundations, strategies, and resources. (pp. 291-314). Routledge.
Guardino, C. & Cannon, J. E. (2022). Approaches and frameworks that support students who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing with a disability(ies). In C. Guardino, J. E. Cannon, & P. V. Paul (Eds.), Deaf and hard of hearing learners with disabilities: Foundations, strategies, and resources. (pp. 1-24). Routledge.
Mercer, S. H., Cannon, J. E., Squires, B., Guo, Y., & Pinco, E. (2021). Accuracy of automated written expression curriculum-based measurement scoring. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/0829573520987753
Cannon, J. E. & Trussell, J. (2020). Morphosyntax in Literacy Acquisition Across Languages for Learners Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Literacy. Oxford University Press.
Cannon, J. E., Hubley, A., O’Loughlin, J., & Phelan, L. (2020). Comprehension of Written Grammar in Canada: Reading comprehension and English grammar knowledge across a diverse d/Deaf or hard of hearing population. In Q. Wang & J. Andrews (Eds.) Literacy and Deaf Education: Toward a Global Understanding. (pp. 134-152). Gallaudet University Press.
Cannon, J. E., Hubley, A., O’Loughlin, J., Phelan, L., Norman, N., & Finley, A. (2019). A technology-based intervention to increase reading comprehension of morphosyntax structures. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, enz029, 1-14. doi: 10.1093/deafed/enz029
Davenport, C. A. & Watson, M. & Cannon, J. E. (2019). Single-Case Design research on early literacy skills of learners who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing. American Annals of the Deaf, 164(3), 363-380. Retrieved from Project MUSE database.
Guardino, C., Beal-Alvarez, J., Cannon, J. E., Voss, J., & Bergeron, J. (2018). Case studies in Deaf education: Inquiry, application, and resources. Gallaudet University Press.
Antia, S.D., Guardino, C., & Cannon, J. E. (2017). Single case design. In S. Cawthon & C. L. Garberoglio (Eds.), Research in Deaf education: Context, challenges, and considerations. Oxford University Press
Hubley, A. & Cannon, J.E. (2017). [Test review of Review of the Substance Abuse Screener in ASL (SAS-ASL)]. In J. F. Carlson, K. F. Geisinger, & J. L. Jonson (Eds.), The twentieth mental measurements yearbook.
Cannon, J. E. (2017, April). Understanding the importance and benefits of the three-year re-evaluation process for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Raising and Educating Deaf Children: Foundations for policy, practice and outcomes eBulletin.
Cannon, J. E., Guardino, C., & Gallimore, E. (2016). A new kind of heterogeneity: What we can learn from d/Deaf and hard of hearing multilingual learners. American Annals of the Deaf, 161(1), 8-16.
Cannon, J. E., & Luckner, J. (2016). Increasing cultural and linguistic diversity in Deaf education teacher preparation programs. American Annals of the Deaf, 161(1), 89-103.
Guardino, C., & Cannon, J. E. (2016). Deafness and diversity: Reflections and directions American Annals of the Deaf, 161(1), 104-112.
Easterbrooks, S., Cannon, J.E., & Trussell, J. (2016). Many languages, one goal: Interventions for language mastery by school-age Deaf and hard of hearing learners. In M. Marschark, V. Lampropoulou, & E. Skordilis (Eds.), Diversity in deaf education. (pp. 297-323). Oxford University Press.
Cannon, J.E., Guardino, C., Antia, S., & Luckner, J. (2016). Single-Case Design research: Building the evidence-base within the field of education of Deaf/hard of hearing students. American Annals of the Deaf 160(5), 440-452. doi: 10.1353/aad.2016.0007
Guardino, C. & Cannon, J.E. (2015). Theory, research, and practice for students who are Deaf and hard of hearing with disabilities: Addressing the challenges from birth to post-secondary education. American Annals of the Deaf. 160(4), 347-355. doi: 10.1353/aad.2015.0033
Cannon, J.E., Hubley, A., Milhoff, C., & Mazlouman, S. (2015). Reliability and validity of the Comprehension of Written Grammar test for Deaf and hard of hearing students. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 21(1). doi: 10.1093/deafed/env049
Beal-Alvarez, J., & Cannon, J.E. (2015). Captions, whiteboards, animation, and videos: Technology Improves Access. Odyssey Magazine, 16, 4-9.
Guardino, C., Becker, S.J., & Cannon, J.E., Bustos, T. (2015). The Impact of an International Service Learning Opportunity in the Philippines on American Pre-Service Teacher of the Deaf. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Athens, Greece.
Associate Editor, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Canadian Association of Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CAEDHH) National Director
Online, open access, research-based assessment is available free for parents and educators to evaluate a learner’s ability to read and understand 26 grammatical structures Easterbrooks, S. R. & Cannon, J. E. (2019). Comprehension of written grammar test
EPSE 317 Development and Exceptionality in the Regular Classroom
EPSE 512 Critical Issues in Special Education
EPSE 519 Development of English Language Skills of Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
EPSE 520 Curriculum Development in the Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
EPSE 522 Designing English Language Programs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
EPSE 590 Graduating Seminar
EPSE 598 Field Experiences: Extended Practicum
EPSE 426 Classroom Inclusion of Students Who are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
EPSE 530 Seminar in the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Georgia State University, 2010, Ph.D.
Piedmont College, 2005, Ed.S.
University of Tennessee, 1997, M.S.
University of Tennessee, 1996, B.S.
Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award in Special Education, Georgia State University, 2010
Killam Teaching Prize University of British Columbia, 2021