We remember a long-time sessional and colleague Vaughan Marshall who passed away recently. On September 22nd, 2022, UBC will lower its flag in recognition of Vaughan, who was actively teaching when she passed away.
Vaughan made excellent and sustained contributions to the counselling psychology program at UBC. She was a central instructor and administrative leader in the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling program, which has had a major impact on the broader community. She also was well known to undergraduate students as she instructed many of the CNPS 300-level courses. More recently she was the coordinator of our practicum course in the MEd and MA programs.
As an instructor, Vaughan was always full of energy and humor, and she was fully committed to the growth and development of her students. In one of her last emails she indicated: “It’s been so sad for me to have to give up my work in the department. It has meant a lot to me.” She will be greatly missed by students, staff, and colleagues alike.
Vaughan is survived by her three siblings and her daughter, Maria.Vaughan is survived by her four living siblings, Jim, Julie, Jo, and Lori in descending age, as well as her daughter Maria and her mom Elsie. If you would like to provide notes of appreciation and remembrance for Vaughan’s family, please send them to cnps.hub@ubc.ca
A music-filled service will be held for Vaughan on October 8th at 1pm at West Point Grey United Church, followed by an informal reception.