‘Engaged Philosophical Inquiry’ Symposium #3

Location:  Neville Scarfe Library Block 278

‘Engaged Philosophical Inquiry’ is a form of community based dialogue that makes not only children, but citizens of all ages, think together about existential questions like: “What is happiness?” “Who is a friend?” “What is freedom?” etc. The aim is to create meaning and deepen our experience together, as well as to strengthen our capacity for perspective-taking, our ability to reason, and our power to feel.

This symposium is part of an ongoing series of conferences and workshops, which are conducted for faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as practitioners who are interested in participating in this research and community initiative. At this meeting we will experience another form of facilitating an engaged philosophical inquiry, discuss the theoretical foundations of EPI and think about our long and short term goals as a group. In addition, we will learn more about how ‘engaged philosophical inquiry’ looks like in practice in one of BC’s schools.

Symposium Schedule:

2:30 -3:30 Evocative Objects for Engaged Inquiry (Dr. Rob Wilson, University of Alberta)

3:30 – 4:15 What is ‘philosophical’ about ‘Engaged Philosophical Inquiry’? And why is this important anyway? Short talk and general discussion about next steps (Dr. Rob Wilson and Dr. Barbara Weber)

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4:30-5:15 The E.P.I. Facilitator’s Toolkit: How to Get “Hands on” with Philosophy in the Classroom (Tiffany Poirier, District Resource Teacher in Gifted Education at the Prince Charles Elementary School, Surrey)

5:15 -5:30 Time for Discussion