Dear ECPS Graduates (see below for a list of graduates),
It is with tremendous pleasure and enthusiasm that we are sending this message in recognition of your accomplishment today. We also recognize that this is simply a step in a much larger journey, and we want to joyfully wish you all the best as you embark on the next stages of your professional and academic life.
We also want to honour the fact that your accomplishments have happened during a time of unprecedented global upheaval. None of you anticipated that the last year and a half of your program would be virtual. Thankfully, you get to celebrate your graduation live, with your peers, your parents, and loved ones. We want to acknowledge and applaud the resilience you have shown, as well as your ability to be flexible and to adjust to new learning situations. Your efforts have been real and our recognition is heartfelt.
One day we will all look back on this time, and remember how we did things in ways that we never thought we could. It will add to the value of what you are celebrating today. You will all have graduated at a notable moment in time, and it is important to recognize the unique conditions you faced leading up to your graduation.
Sincerest congratulations to each and all of you. We will be in attendance as you graduate and we hope that one day in the very near future we will be able to share these sentiments in person, with the larger UBC community. Do know that this virtual message is not any less meaningful or less well-intended. You should all be incredibly proud of yourselves, and we hope that each of you will be able to celebrate with those close to you.
Best wishes to all of you.
Jenna Shapka and Serge Lacroix, on behalf of all ECPS faculty and staff
Jennifer D Shapka, PhD
ECPS Professor and Head
Serge Lacroix PhD, R. Psych.
ECPS Associate Professor of Teaching and Director of Graduate Programs
Congratulations to the following Fall 2021 Graduating Students:
Eugene Chi
Adrienne Marsh
Sarah Panofsky
Karen Arnold
Arielle Boyd
Adam Cook
Carla Dawson
Sara Frankenberger
Christine Gaspar
Graham Haber
Colter Long
Theresa Lopetrone
Gabrielle Mcewen
Devon McLeod
Alexandra Myhill-Jones
Leslie Nerling
Christina Palamarchuk
Lindsay Pickering Loehr
Kyle Ross
Jennifer Spence
Eleanor Becker
Luisa Liliana Cortes Cabrales
Katharine Wojcik
Melvin Chan
Tonje Molyneux
Katheryn Morrison
Julian Melo Diaz
Maria (Camila) Nieto
Sigfried Ong
EunHye Song
Lisa White
Angela (Sok Yee) Low
Jenna Whitehead
Sirui Wu
Gizem Guryil
Monica Millar
Sophie Armstrong
Saldanha Bianca Gayle Aleena
Shelby Buntain
Matthew Cale
Patrice Carby
Gaurika Dhussa
Kaitlyn Edmonds
Stella Fok
Rachel Gandy
Valerie Goodman
Noa Hass
Jennifer Hurren (Boivin)
Jenna Jasek
Tanya Kim
Susan Klinkhamer
Crista Kundu
Cherie Lang
Stephanie Lee
Evelina Leppanen
Kristi Luk
Kelly Manduca
Rebecca Munroe
Jullian Newman
Michael Parker
Shawna Pennell
Sara Peralta
Kristine Peterson
Shruti Phadke
Allana Pierce
Alicia Pointer (Kurkiewicz)
Karuna Samuel
Andrea Schneider
Alvin Shum
Emily Tashiro
Christina Valiquette
Patricia Wocknitz
Angelina Lee
Matthew Lee